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  1. Hamburger menu is the common clickable mobile 3 line menu. They call it hamburger because the 3 lines look almost like 2 buns and a burger.
  2. As traumflug mentioned, It's important to use the H1 only once (which is usually the title) Other header tags can be used multiple times without problems.
  3. I too have found content marketing to be the best long-term solution. Regardless, there will always be those customers who look you up on social media to try to decipher whether you are a legitimate company or not. Social proof builds trust so it's important to at least have a presence and a certain amount of followers/ratings.
  4. I appreciate your input and response, but much of what you have mentioned is strictly your opinion and I don't really wish to get into polarizing arguments about whether the USA is 'backing people into corners' or 'calling all the shots'. I don't believe they are and I don't think it's fair to shift all of the blame onto the USA here. In my opinion, the USA has waited long enough for a resolution. There's many people on both sides of this argument, so perhaps we should agree to disagree. As for losing mail exchange with some few countries, that would be unfortunate, but if that does happen, I don't believe that would necessarily be the USA's fault, as the USA has mentioned they simply want fairer policies. Products can be sourced elsewhere if necessary.
  5. It wasn't exactly in 2 days. The USA gave the UPU the required 1 year notice last year. I respect your opinion, but I guess we simply have different opinions on the matter. I believe the USA has a strong upper hand on the matter, although of course, that may change one day. I don't believe leaving an organization is dictatorial. There is no obligation to take part in the UPU, as the required notice was already given. Waiting around for 191 other countries to twiddle their thumbs doesn't seem very decisive. They already had a year to take action and it's not like this is a new problem.
  6. The administration said we would only leave if we/they were unable to renegotiate. Last year, a spokesman for USPS mentioned during a statement that the USPS fully supports this move, and I'm not sure who could possibly have more data on this then the USPS. “The current system has led to the United States subsidizing the imports of small packages from other countries. As such, the Postal Service and its Governors fully support the Administration’s decision to move to self-declared rates, and will work closely with the State Department, the Postal Regulatory Commission, and other stakeholders to implement the Administration’s decision,” - Jeff Adams, USPS spokesman
  7. Correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is that the USPS isn't supposed to turn a profit, and rather is supposed to be more of a 'wash', so that money either has to either go towards shipping infrastructure, reducing future postal rates, or something similar. In my opinion, all better alternatives then subsidizing other countries postage. While I respect your experience dealing with your clients and appreciate your input, my experience has not by any means been the same and I disagree very much with your sentiments. Myself, as well as many others certainly do have a problem with cheaper (typically lower quality and often misadvertised) Chinese products coming in to compete with us at prices which we could not possibly offer because of non-comparable shipping costs. It is particularly bad on marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, and so forth. These places are literally being spammed with low-cost and low-quality Chinese products in many niches. And with Amazon taking nearly 50% of the USA's online market, certainly you see how these websites being literally spammed in some niches could affect conversion rates even on websites which get their traffic organically or through ads due to price checking and comparison shopping due to non-comparable shipping costs. (even if the product is lower quality and not actually comparable)
  8. I think it's great we're leaving the UPU. The rising postal rates and intense Chinese competition (mostly due to postal rates) is becoming to much for many US sellers to deal with and there's not much of an alternative.
  9. Can't say for certain, but so far so good for me.
  10. I personally haven't seen this bug happen in quite a while. Are you guys fully up to date?
  11. Purity


    No, no images are showing for the product under the accessory tag. 'Wooden Tankard Presentation Box' I'm not personally much of a programmer though, so all I can do is answer your question.
  12. I agree with you the free shipping modules could be improved, such as the USPS module and so forth. It would be really great to have official TB versions as well, at least for the main shipping carriers. However, to be fair, Shopify charges a monthly fee to simply use their platform at all, and woocommerce doesn't even offer free domestic USPS calculation anymore. My understanding is, as of later last year unless you're a preexisting shop (which were grandfathered in), they now request you to pay $79/year. I have a grandfathered in shop that calculates for free, but I opened up a different, new shop on woocommerce earlier this year, and at the moment, all I can even offer is flat rate shipping on there, because woocommerce doesn't give me any other functionality.
  13. I am using USPS 1.3.5. Seems to calculate rates fine for me, but of course, there's no box packing algorithm so sometimes it gets it a little wrong. I believe the USPS module I'm using is only for domestic shipments, but the UPS module does have international options listed.
  14. I am using the PS 1.6 USPS and UPS modules without any issues. I think the Fedex module works too but I haven't tested it. Are you looking for a different carrier?
  15. *edited* Well, I ended up getting it working. I'm actually not sure what the problem was because my cache was cleared numerous times. Unlike the.rampage.rado, I don't use the 'never recompile template' option. Maybe cloudflare took longer then anticipated to clear. Not sure. Regardless, this is awesome. Thanks guys.
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