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Posts posted by Havouza

  1. Owner has done something so I now have no BO access, and he has not either. I tried to get a new password but that seems to not work either. Only thing I have access to is the db but that is ofc no use because the pw is hashed. Is there any solution for this. HELP HELP HELP

  2. I have added a new product, activated it and to be sure updated the search index.

    It show up as normal in BO but cant be found in Front office.

    When I try to search it I get an error message that no product exist with that article number

    When I try to preview it from BO I get this message.
    "You have no access to this product.

    What can be wrong?

  3. TB has a native module called block specials that should show the products that has lowered prices. But nothing happens if I lower price on products, they dont show up. I I set the block to always show even if empty, it always show up, but always empty. We have never used it before, so perhaps we miss something. Any hints?

  4. #e-com

    Well I have tested to set it to other values but it does not matter. As someone else say, it is how the theme is built like that, and we will live with it. very, very few of our customers use a phone when they shop so its no problem

  5. 33 minutes ago, wakabayashi said:

    You give no information at all how this technically worked... Won't be possible to give any sensible answer.

    • Is it a module?
    • Is it handled on php, javascript or smarty?


    Core Updater can delete additional files. Even files, that were added manually by yourself but were placed in a core folder. Maybe it's related to a missing or old file. But ok that's just wild guessing from my side.

    Its a core feature as I see it. In BO Settings/Orders you can set a minimum total value to be met before the order is valuated. How it works is up to the developers to explain. 

  6. The problem is the same. No profit on smaller sales. Our problem is that we have free shipping on everything and its 100 % dropshipping. Nowadays its just not possible to keep up with all price raises on products and shipping. But it has worked flawless until we updated shop from 1.3 to 1.4 and I have no clue where i goes wrong. It seems thT if you start with a product that is more expensive than the minimum value and then buy more that is under you can then take away the expensive one and it works.

  7. Hi! A hard error to explain but I will try to make it understandable.

    In our shop we have a 75 € minimum value to be able to shop, Before the update it worked like the customer could not check out if the bvalue was less and he got an message that he must add so and so much value. Not this does not show at all. Even if the customer add products until it is over the 75 € when you try to checkout the shop freeze and you never come to the payment page.

    BUT if you before you go to checkout add a product with a value over 75€, then in checkout take it away again it works without problem

    Anyone has seen this before and is there any solution to this bug

  8. Fatal Error

    Access level to GridHtml::$_values must be protected (as in class ModuleGridEngine) or weaker

    in file /home/jv80/public_html/modules/gridhtml/gridhtml.php at line 30

    Source file: /home/jv80/public_html/modules/gridhtml/gridhtml.php

    11:* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
    12:* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
    13:* to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
    17:* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
    18:* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
    19:* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
    21:*  @author PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com>
    22:*  @copyright  2007-2015 PrestaShop SA
    23:*  @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php  Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
    24:*  International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
    27:if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_'))
    28:	exit;
    30:class GridHtml extends ModuleGridEngine
    32:	private $_values;
    33:	private static $_columns;
    35:	function __construct($type = null)
    36:	{
    37:		if ($type != null)
    38:			parent::__construct($type);
    39:		else
    40:		{
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