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thirty bees 1.1.0 is released!

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7 hours ago, x97wehner said:

So how is actual production stability of 1.1.0 now? Can it be assumed to be fully functional or are there still many bugs? Thanks.

There are still many bugs. Some old bugs were fixed, some new were unfortunately introduced (had the community tested the release preview versions, we could have avoided lot of them...)

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Of course there is always bugs to fix but the version 1.1.0 is stable enough to be used in production, already I launched new shops with this version and some got updated.

It does the job well, even in multishop configuration.

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I can only confirm what @datakick and @zen said. This is a stable version. Probably the most stable version I ever had in ps/tb universum. Unfortunately a few new issues came up.

Basically due the fact, that we merchants didn't test the things 😞 If we all wait till a version is super stable, then the life for the devs is very hard. With the new core updater its super easy to test things. 

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On 8/11/2019 at 12:49 AM, colorful-ant said:


I am now a bit further. For anyone who is interested. Change in the module GDPR (by Arte e Informatica).

modules / artfreegdpr / views / templates / hook / gdprCheckbox.tpl


my new file:

*  2009-2018 Arte e Informatica
*  For support feel free to contact us on our website at http://www.arteinformatica.eu
*  @author    Arte e Informatica <admin@arteinformatica.eu>
*  @copyright 2009-2018 Arte e Informatica
*  @version   1.1
*  @license   One Paid Licence By WebSite Using This Module. No Rent. No Sell. No Share.
<p class="page-subheading">&nbsp;</p>
{if isset($inOrderProcess) && $inOrderProcess && $PS_GUEST_CHECKOUT_ENABLED && $freegdpr_guest == 1}
<!-- disable for guest order -->
{elseif $freegdpr_consent == 1}
    <div class="checkbox">
        <label for="freegdpr-consent">
            <input type="checkbox" name="freegdpr-consent" id="freegdpr-consent" value="1" required>
		<span class="label-text">{$artlabel|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}
		<a href="{$freegdpr_link_privacy|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" target="blank" class="artiubenda-widget-privacy">
		<sup> *</sup>

i see now the checkbox and i can activate for registration



I've installed Arte e Informatica free GDPR module just because I needed a "Confirm I have read..." checkbox for the contact form, and I discovered this module thanks to your post. No need to use it with the register form or order confirmation, as I use Block Customer Privacy by TB.

I am on TB 1.0.8 yet, and I will upgrade to 1.1 in the coming days. Two languages enabled: English & Spanish

Just a couple of questions.

First question:

Translation for the checkbox does not work. On the back office, I set the Spanish translation, but when I click "Save" it goes back to the English text. I had to provisionally insert both English & Spanish texts in the English translation box to have it in both languages in the contact form. Spanish translations for My Account -> Personal data management do work because they are in modules/artfreegdpr/translations/es.php, but links to contact form lead to the English page of the contact form also.

Second question:

This is how this checkbox looks like on the contact form:


On smartphones the checkbox is half hidden, out of the screen left margin, but checkable anyway, as clicking on the text also does the job.

As this Arte e Informatica module is for PS 1.6.x, I guess it was designed for the default bootstrap theme. Any idea of how to adjust this to TB community theme?

Thanks in advance.



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2 hours ago, cprats said:

Translation for the checkbox does not work

You won't find it in the translations section. These strings are taken from the database table tb_configuration, and you can adapt them directly on the module's configuration page in the text editor for every language you need.

The GDPR does only requite the hint with a link. But neither on the checkout page, nor on the pages authentication or contact a checkbox is required.


Edited by Occam
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On 9/5/2019 at 4:25 AM, datakick said:

There are still many bugs. Some old bugs were fixed, some new were unfortunately introduced (had the community tested the release preview versions, we could have avoided lot of them...)

Appreciate the input. Some bugs are expected with new software releases. I was curious on the amount and how vital they are. Coming from one of the authors, I expect your info is accurate. Thanks.


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Another problem: TB1.0.8 to TB1.1

Ignore community theme set to Yes to avoid it being replaced by the new one, as I need to keep the design. Update running with cache off, overrides and non TB modules off, all apparently correct.

When finished, error 500 when after adding a product to the cart you click "proceed to checkout". No error encrypted data neither any other message.

I had to revert to 1.0.8 again.

Any way to fix this keeping the community theme used till 1.0.8 instead of changing to the new one?


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On 9/5/2019 at 3:42 AM, wakabayashi said:

Basically due the fact, that we merchants didn't test the things

Who is the testing team?

Not sure I follow you here.  IMHO Users (Merchants?) shouldn't be testing anything. 

There should be a designated Test Group and Test process.  Is there one?  If there is not there should be.

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You, everyone in the community. We release beta versions for anyone in the community to test. We test things on our end, but the more people able to test the more bugs that are found and fixed. We unfortunately do not have access to every module or use case with thirty bees, that is why we need community testers, that is why we release release candidates for people to test and provide feedback on. 

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2 hours ago, Factor said:

There should be a designated Test Group and Test process.  Is there one?  If there is not there should be.

There is no such team. The problem is that devs can't test this all by themself. They never have the real environment. You can never forseen all issues. I don't understand why merchants shouldn't test anything?

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3 hours ago, lesley said:

community testers

Totally correct.  You all (this project) need testers.  


1 hour ago, wakabayashi said:

There is no such team

My exact point.  See the thing is Development Teams are great.  Markus, Petr, Lesley are all great.  They are the Development Team.  They Create things. They are not Testers they are Creators.

The Project needs Testers.  A team specifically adept at testing.  Ones that create Test plans and process.  Can test the System like Users would.  

You don't want just the community to test.  We each only care about our business' and its process so if it works we are all good. Like you see reported in this thread.

1 hour ago, wakabayashi said:

devs can't test this all by themself

Totally correct.  This is why you have Testing teams.  You want a group just like Development to stand alongside them so they can verify what was created works as designed.

Yes Users can always test and they will test.  That is worst case scenario.  Just like Development you want controlled Testing.  There is no criticizing from me don't take it that way, please.  I am simply pointing out you all (the Leaders) need to find and create this team within the Project.  Just to be clear you don't have to do anything I suggest.  I mean you all no harm only success.

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12 minutes ago, Factor said:

The Project needs Testers.  A team specifically adept at testing.  Ones that create Test plans and process.  Can test the System like Users would.  

You don't want just the community to test.  We each only care about our business' and its process so if it works we are all good. Like you see reported in this thread.

I get your point. Ofc that would be nice, but who would be in such a team?

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2 minutes ago, wakabayashi said:

who would be in such a team?

Well I would assume it would be certain persons in the Community.  Who like to test, has been around a while, and who is not on the dev team for starters..  My suggestion is create a post and look for those willing to work with the dev team. Find someone willing to be a leader for the team.  

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1 hour ago, wakabayashi said:

Yes I could solve it, but it depends on your theme. You use one page checkout right? You have to edit order-carrier.tpl and move the closing foreach a bit. You could also post your code, if you can't solve it yourself.

Yes, I use one page checkout.

I can't understand what must I move. I am using TB's community-theme-default 1.0 Here is the code of themes/community-theme-default/order-carrier.tpl. Could you please highlight what I should move? Thank-you.

{if !$opc}
  {capture name=path}{l s='Shipping:'}{/capture}
  {assign var='current_step' value='shipping'}
  <div id="carrier_area">
    <h1 class="page-heading">{l s='Shipping:'}</h1>
    {include file="$tpl_dir./order-steps.tpl"}
    {include file="$tpl_dir./errors.tpl"}
    <form id="form" action="{$link->getPageLink('order', true, NULL, "{if $multi_shipping}multi-shipping={$multi_shipping}{/if}")|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" method="post" name="carrier_area">
  <div id="carrier_area" class="opc-main-block">
    <h1 class="page-heading step-num"><span>2</span> {l s='Delivery methods'}</h1>
      <div id="opc_delivery_methods" class="opc-main-block">
        <div id="opc_delivery_methods-overlay" class="opc-overlay" style="display: none;"></div>
<div class="order_carrier_content box">
  {if isset($virtual_cart) && $virtual_cart}
    <input id="input_virtual_carrier" class="hidden" type="hidden" name="id_carrier" value="0">
    <div class="alert alert-warning">{l s='No carrier is needed for this order.'}</div>
      {if isset($carriers) && isset($HOOK_BEFORECARRIER)}
    {if isset($isVirtualCart) && $isVirtualCart}
      <div class="alert alert-warning">{l s='No carrier is needed for this order.'}</div>
      <div class="delivery_options_address">
        {if isset($delivery_option_list)}
          {foreach $delivery_option_list as $id_address => $option_list}
            <p class="carrier_title">
              {if isset($address_collection[$id_address])}
                {l s='Choose a shipping option for this address:'} {$address_collection[$id_address]->alias}
                {l s='Choose a shipping option'}
            <div class="delivery_options">
              {foreach $option_list as $key => $option}
                <div class="delivery_option">
                    <table class="resume table table-bordered{if !$option.unique_carrier} hide{/if}">
                        <td class="delivery_option_radio">
                          <input id="delivery_option_{$id_address|intval}_{$option@index}" class="delivery_option_radio" type="radio" name="delivery_option[{$id_address|intval}]" data-key="{$key}" data-id_address="{$id_address|intval}" value="{$key}"{if isset($delivery_option[$id_address]) && $delivery_option[$id_address] == $key} checked="checked"{/if}>
                        <td class="delivery_option_logo">
                          <label for="delivery_option_{$id_address|intval}_{$option@index}">
                          {foreach $option.carrier_list as $carrier}
                            {if $carrier.logo}
                              <img class="order_carrier_logo" src="{$carrier.logo|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" alt="{$carrier.instance->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">
                            {elseif !$option.unique_carrier}
                              {if !$carrier@last} - {/if}
                          <label for="delivery_option_{$id_address|intval}_{$option@index}">
                          {if $option.unique_carrier}
                            {foreach $option.carrier_list as $carrier}
                            {if isset($carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang])}
                              <br>{l s='Delivery time:'}&nbsp;{$carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang]|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}
                          {if count($option_list) > 1}
                            {if $option.is_best_grade}
                              {if $option.is_best_price}
                                <span class="best_grade best_grade_price best_grade_speed">{l s='The best price and speed'}</span>
                                <span class="best_grade best_grade_speed">{l s='The fastest'}</span>
                            {elseif $option.is_best_price}
                              <span class="best_grade best_grade_price">{l s='The best price'}</span>
                        <td class="delivery_option_price">
                          <label for="delivery_option_{$id_address|intval}_{$option@index}">
                            <div class="delivery_option_price">
                            {if $option.total_price_with_tax && !$option.is_free && (!isset($free_shipping) || (isset($free_shipping) && !$free_shipping))}
                              {if $use_taxes == 1}
                                {if $priceDisplay == 1}
                                  {convertPrice price=$option.total_price_without_tax}{if $display_tax_label} {l s='(tax excl.)'}{/if}
                                  {convertPrice price=$option.total_price_with_tax}{if $display_tax_label} {l s='(tax incl.)'}{/if}
                                {convertPrice price=$option.total_price_without_tax}
                              {l s='Free'}
                    {if !$option.unique_carrier}
                      <table class="delivery_option_carrier{if isset($delivery_option[$id_address]) && $delivery_option[$id_address] == $key} selected{/if} resume table table-bordered{if $option.unique_carrier} hide{/if}">
                          {if !$option.unique_carrier}
                            <td rowspan="{$option.carrier_list|@count}" class="delivery_option_radio">
                              <input id="delivery_option_{$id_address|intval}_{$option@index}" class="delivery_option_radio" type="radio" name="delivery_option[{$id_address|intval}]" data-key="{$key}" data-id_address="{$id_address|intval}" value="{$key}"{if isset($delivery_option[$id_address]) && $delivery_option[$id_address] == $key} checked="checked"{/if}>
                          {assign var="first" value=current($option.carrier_list)}
                          <td class="delivery_option_logo{if $first.product_list[0].carrier_list[0] eq 0} hide{/if}">
                            {if $first.logo}
                              <img class="order_carrier_logo" src="{$first.logo|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" alt="{$first.instance->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">
                            {elseif !$option.unique_carrier}
                          <td class="{if $first.product_list[0].carrier_list[0] eq 0} hide{/if}">
                            <input type="hidden" value="{$first.instance->id|intval}" name="id_carrier">
                            {if isset($first.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang])}
                              <i class="icon icon-info-sign"></i>
                                {if count($first.product_list) <= 1}
                                  ({l s='For this product:'}
                                  ({l s='For these products:'}
                              {foreach $first.product_list as $product}
                                {if $product@index == 4}
                                  <abbr title="
                                  {if $product@index >= 4}
                                    {if isset($product.attributes) && $product.attributes}
                                    {if !$product@last}
                                    {if isset($product.attributes) && $product.attributes}
                                    {if !$product@last}
                          <td rowspan="{$option.carrier_list|@count}" class="delivery_option_price">
                            <div class="delivery_option_price">
                              {if $option.total_price_with_tax && !$option.is_free && (!isset($free_shipping) || (isset($free_shipping) && !$free_shipping))}
                                {if $use_taxes == 1}
                                  {if $priceDisplay == 1}
                                    {convertPrice price=$option.total_price_without_tax}{if $display_tax_label} {l s='(tax excl.)'}{/if}
                                    {convertPrice price=$option.total_price_with_tax}{if $display_tax_label} {l s='(tax incl.)'}{/if}
                                  {convertPrice price=$option.total_price_without_tax}
                                {l s='Free'}
                        {foreach $option.carrier_list as $carrier}
                          {if $carrier@iteration != 1}
                              <td class="delivery_option_logo{if $carrier.product_list[0].carrier_list[0] eq 0} hide{/if}">
                                {if $carrier.logo}
                                  <img class="order_carrier_logo" src="{$carrier.logo|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" alt="{$carrier.instance->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">
                                {elseif !$option.unique_carrier}
                              <td class="{if $carrier.product_list[0].carrier_list[0] eq 0} hide{/if}">
                                <input type="hidden" value="{$first.instance->id|intval}" name="id_carrier">
                                {if isset($carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang])}
                                  <i class="icon icon-info-sign"></i>
                                    {if count($first.product_list) <= 1}
                                      ({l s='For this product:'}
                                      ({l s='For these products:'}
                                  {foreach $carrier.product_list as $product}
                                    {if $product@index == 4}
                                      <abbr title="
                                      {if $product@index >= 4}
                                        {if isset($product.attributes) && $product.attributes}
                                        {if !$product@last}
                                        {if isset($product.attributes) && $product.attributes}
                                        {if !$product@last}
            <div class="hook_extracarrier" id="HOOK_EXTRACARRIER_{$id_address}">
              {if isset($HOOK_EXTRACARRIER_ADDR) &&  isset($HOOK_EXTRACARRIER_ADDR.$id_address)}{$HOOK_EXTRACARRIER_ADDR.$id_address}{/if}
            {assign var='errors' value=' '|explode:''}
            <div class="alert alert-warning" id="noCarrierWarning">
              {foreach $cart->getDeliveryAddressesWithoutCarriers(true, $errors) as $address}
                {if empty($address->alias)}
                  {l s='No carriers available.'}
                  {assign var='flag_error_message' value=false}
                  {foreach $errors as $error}
                    {if $error == Carrier::SHIPPING_WEIGHT_EXCEPTION}
                      {$flag_error_message = true}
                      {l s='The product selection cannot be delivered by the available carrier(s): it is too heavy. Please amend your cart to lower its weight.'}
                    {elseif $error == Carrier::SHIPPING_PRICE_EXCEPTION}
                      {$flag_error_message = true}
                      {l s='The product selection cannot be delivered by the available carrier(s). Please amend your cart.'}
                    {elseif $error == Carrier::SHIPPING_SIZE_EXCEPTION}
                      {$flag_error_message = true}
                      {l s='The product selection cannot be delivered by the available carrier(s): its size does not fit. Please amend your cart to reduce its size.'}
                  {if !$flag_error_message}
                    {l s='No carriers available for the address "%s".' sprintf=$address->alias}
                {if !$address@last}
                {l s='No carriers available.'}
      <div id="extra_carrier" style="display: none;"></div>
      {if $opc}
        <p class="carrier_title">{l s='Leave a message'}</p>
          <p>{l s='If you would like to add a comment about your order, please write it in the field below.'}</p>
            <textarea class="form-control" cols="120" rows="2" name="message" id="message">{strip}
                {if isset($oldMessage)}{$oldMessage|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}
      {if $recyclablePackAllowed}
        <p class="carrier_title">{l s='Recyclable Packaging'}</p>
        <div class="checkbox recyclable">
          <label for="recyclable">
            <input type="checkbox" name="recyclable" id="recyclable" value="1"{if $recyclable == 1} checked="checked"{/if}>
            {l s='I would like to receive my order in recycled packaging.'}
      {if $giftAllowed}
        {if $opc}
          <hr style="">
        <p class="carrier_title">{l s='Gift'}</p>
        <div class="checkbox gift">
          <label for="gift">
            <input type="checkbox" name="gift" id="gift" value="1"{if $cart->gift == 1} checked="checked"{/if}>
            {l s='I would like my order to be gift wrapped.'}
            {if $gift_wrapping_price > 0}
              &nbsp;<i>({l s='Additional cost of'}
              <span class="price" id="gift-price">
                {if $priceDisplay == 1}
                  {convertPrice price=$total_wrapping_tax_exc_cost}
                  {convertPrice price=$total_wrapping_cost}
              {if $use_taxes && $display_tax_label}
                {if $priceDisplay == 1}
                  {l s='(tax excl.)'}
                  {l s='(tax incl.)'}
        <p id="gift_div">
          <label for="gift_message">{l s='If you\'d like, you can add a note to the gift:'}</label>
          <textarea rows="2" cols="120" id="gift_message" class="form-control" name="gift_message">{$cart->gift_message|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</textarea>
  {if $conditions && $cms_id && (! isset($advanced_payment_api) || !$advanced_payment_api)}
    {if $opc}
      <hr style="">
    {if isset($override_tos_display) && $override_tos_display}
      <div class="box">
        <div class="checkbox">
          <label for="cgv">
            <input type="checkbox" name="cgv" id="cgv" value="1" {if $checkedTOS}checked="checked"{/if}>
            {l s='I agree to the terms of service and will adhere to them unconditionally.'}
          <a href="{$link_conditions|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" class="iframe" rel="nofollow">{l s='(Read the Terms of Service)'}</a>
{if !$opc}
  <p class="cart_navigation clearfix">
    <input type="hidden" name="step" value="3">
    <input type="hidden" name="back" value="{$back}">
    {if !$is_guest}
      {if $back}
        <a href="{$link->getPageLink('order', true, NULL, "step=1&back={$back}{if $multi_shipping}&multi-shipping={$multi_shipping}{/if}")|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='Previous'}" class="btn btn-lg btn-default">
          <i class="icon icon-chevron-left"></i>
          {l s='Continue shopping'}
        <a href="{$link->getPageLink('order', true, NULL, "step=1{if $multi_shipping}&multi-shipping={$multi_shipping}{/if}")|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='Previous'}" class="btn btn-lg btn-default">
          <i class="icon icon-chevron-left"></i>
          {l s='Continue shopping'}
      <a href="{$link->getPageLink('order', true, NULL, "{if $multi_shipping}multi-shipping={$multi_shipping}{/if}")|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='Previous'}" class="btn btn-lg btn-default">
        <i class="icon icon-chevron-left"></i>
        {l s='Continue shopping'}
    {if isset($virtual_cart) && $virtual_cart || (isset($delivery_option_list) && !empty($delivery_option_list))}
      <button type="submit" name="processCarrier" class="btn btn-lg btn-success pull-right standard-checkout">
          {l s='Proceed to checkout'}
          <i class="icon icon-chevron-right right"></i>
  {if !$opc}
    {addJsDef orderProcess='order'}
    {if isset($virtual_cart) && !$virtual_cart && $giftAllowed && $cart->gift == 1}
      {addJsDef cart_gift=true}
      {addJsDef cart_gift=false}
    {addJsDef orderUrl=$link->getPageLink("order", true)|escape:'quotes':'UTF-8'}
    {addJsDefL name=txtProduct}{l s='Product' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
    {addJsDefL name=txtProducts}{l s='Products' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
  {if $conditions}
    {addJsDefL name=msg_order_carrier}{l s='You must agree to the terms of service before continuing.' js=1}{/addJsDefL}


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Possible bug: I'm testing a fresh install of 1.1 with Niara. Also trying the Stripe module 1.7 with test api keys. When enabling the Stripe checkout, I get a 500 error every time the checkout page loads. I've never used Stripe before but am considering.


Update: I think something was caching strange. I updated the checkout to the 5 step and it worked fine. Then switched back to the one page and it also worked fine. Think I'm good now.

Edited by x97wehner
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@cprats Please search for:

{if $option.unique_carrier}
  {foreach $option.carrier_list as $carrier}
  {if isset($carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang])}
  <br>{l s='Delivery time:'}&nbsp;{$carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang]|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}

And replace it with:

{if $option.unique_carrier}
  {foreach $option.carrier_list as $carrier}
  {if isset($carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang])}
  <br>{l s='Delivery time:'}&nbsp;{$carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang]|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}

Please confirm, if this works.

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1 hour ago, wakabayashi said:

@cprats Please search for:

{if $option.unique_carrier}
  {foreach $option.carrier_list as $carrier}
  {if isset($carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang])}
  <br>{l s='Delivery time:'}&nbsp;{$carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang]|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}

And replace it with:

{if $option.unique_carrier}
  {foreach $option.carrier_list as $carrier}
  {if isset($carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang])}
  <br>{l s='Delivery time:'}&nbsp;{$carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang]|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}

Please confirm, if this works.

Yes, it works. Thank-you!

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