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  1. Yes that's the problem. Problem it's not so easy to go again to 5.6. I'm running several sites on the stack.
  2. Hello, The migrate module not working on php 7.x Is it possible to fix this?
  3. hello, Have you try this version? https://github.com/thirtybees/bpostshm
  4. I have many customers that have problems with My adress alias Especially if the customers add a other delivery address. Can you make this more usable for the customers?
  5. Yes, you did it ;) Thx
  6. i'm getting this error if i click on the Bpost menu ``` [ThirtyBeesException] Syntax error in template "/home/17442-38450.cloudwaysapps.com/aegqhbdkcs/publichtml/modules/bpostshm/views/templates/admin/ordersbpost/helpers/list/listfooterscript.tpl" on line 44 "if ($td.text().trim() == 1){trlist.push($td.closest('tr'));" - Unexpected ".", expected one of: "}" at line 44 in file vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smartyinternal_templatecompilerbase.php public $suppressMergedTemplates = false; /** compile tag objects * @var array */ public static $tagobjects = array(); /** tag stack SmartyInternalTemplateCompilerBase->triggertemplateerror - [line 4435 - vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smartyinternaltemplateparser.php] SmartyInternalTemplateparser->yysyntaxerror - [line 4501 - vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smartyinternaltemplateparser.php] - [2 Arguments] SmartyInternalTemplateparser->doParse - [line 118 - vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smartyinternalsmartytemplatecompiler.php] - [2 Arguments] SmartyInternalSmartyTemplateCompiler->doCompile - [line 283 - vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smartyinternaltemplatecompilerbase.php] - [1 Arguments] SmartyInternalTemplateCompilerBase->compileTemplate - [line 197 - vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smartyinternaltemplate.php] - [1 Arguments] SmartyInternalTemplate->compileTemplateSource - [line 155 - vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smartyinternaltemplatebase.php] SmartyInternalTemplateBase->fetch - [line 424 - classes/SmartyCustom.php] - [7 Arguments] SmartyCustomTemplate->fetch - [line 303 - vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smartyinternaltemplate.php] - [7 Arguments] SmartyInternalTemplate->getSubTemplate - [line 265 - cache/smarty/compile/15/d3/9a/15d39ab991a16bd3c64dc52c1b5ff005aff2a033.file.listfooter.tpl.php] - [7 Arguments] content598cb77ccfae3623490341 - [line 188 - vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smartyinternaltemplatebase.php] - [1 Arguments] SmartyInternalTemplateBase->fetch - [line 424 - classes/SmartyCustom.php] - [7 Arguments] SmartyCustom_Template->fetch - [line 637 - classes/helper/HelperList.php] HelperListCore->displayListFooter - [line 155 - classes/helper/HelperList.php] HelperListCore->generateList - [line 589 - modules/bpostshm/controllers/admin/AdminOrdersBpost.php] - [2 Arguments] AdminOrdersBpostController->renderList - [line 2426 - classes/controller/AdminController.php] AdminControllerCore->initContent - [line 319 - modules/bpostshm/controllers/admin/AdminOrdersBpost.php] AdminOrdersBpostController->initContent - [line 366 - classes/controller/Controller.php] ControllerCore->run - [line 743 - classes/Dispatcher.php] DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 58 - admin/index.php]```
  7. Yes of course. I will install a test version.
  8. I don't see any issues that cause this problem. The module is working, but only I don't can't see or used in the back office like in Prestashop. Does somebody have an idea?
  9. i just received this mail "Indeed, this is not working and it doesn’t throw an error. I have no clue what may be causing this, this is not a standard PrestaShop version. My advice would be to try using the module without managing labels in PrestaShop, I don’t think we’ll ever support your Thirty bees fork." Do you have contact the developer?
  10. L'équipe Stigmi Fr : +33 617 55 16 14 Be: +32 493 90 02 79 [email protected] www.stigmi.eu
  11. from the addon. this company made it for Bpost. I just send a new email with a request. I hope for a good answer.
  12. The developer want to support only Presta.
  13. The company stigmi. I'm in contact with the Developer. But no luck.
  14. the error is gone. i fix wrong code in the theme. But the bpost module is still not showing the adresslabels. it must be like this
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