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Posts posted by urban

  1. Hey guys. I'm trying to add a new htmlblock hook to BELOW  the image slider and above featured products on the niara theme homepage. I've spent 2 days trying out and putting echo exit breaks on checkpoints to see where and what i'm outputting, but to no avail.

    What i've done so far is

    1. add a new entry to the tb_hooks section and calling it displayHomeStaticContent

    2. inside tbhtmlblock.php i've modified 

            // List of hooks
          $this->hooksList = [
    #line 537
        public function hookDisplayHomeStaticHTML($params)
            return $this->hookCommon('displayHomeStaticHTML', $params);

    3. at front/IndexController.php i've modified 

                    'HOOK_HOME'             => Hook::exec('displayHome'),
                    'HOOK_HOME_TAB'         => Hook::exec('displayHomeTab'),
                    'HOOK_HOME_TAB_CONTENT' => Hook::exec('displayHomeTabContent'),
                    'HOOK_HOME_STATIC_HTML'         => Hook::exec('displayHomeStaticHTML'),

    4. finally at themes/niara/index.tpl i've adjusted

    {if !empty($HOOK_HOME_STATIC_HTML)}
      <div class="tab-content">
    {* the rest of the index code below the image slider}

    I've put in a lot echos inside the relevant function code areas, and I've found out that 

    Hook::exec('displayHomeStaticHTML') is being called but is not triggering the PHP function, and that 

    public function hookDisplayHomeStaticHTML($params) isn't being called also


    What am I missing or doing wrong, in trying to create a new hook,solely to be used on the homepage only?


    Thanks for all your help!


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