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Bent Stad

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  1. [SOLVED] Solution found on a French Prestashop forum: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/275486-résolu-comment-afficher-le-champ-commentaire-client-sur-les-bons-de-livraison/
  2. It works fine on the invoice, but on I would like the message on the delivery note
  3. Hey. Hello. I would like to have customer messages on a PDF delivery note. I have solved it on the PDF invoice. Is there any solution to it without a module? message delivery slip.pdf
  4. Hi datakick Thank you very much The problem has been fixed with this fix
  5. SOLVED ! Hi I am implementing Nets Easy payment in Thirtybees 1.2.0. Does anyone have experience if it is compatible with Thirtybees? Regards Bent Stad
  6. SOLVED!! Hi The problem is solved. Hi My config.xml file was flawed. I got a new file from Yobo from Sunnytoo.com which I replaced. Then it worked again
  7. HiI bought the TinyMCE Pro module from Mypresta.eu. It does not work in CMS and on the product page, among other things. On several modules it works well. eg. Sunnytoo “Sidebar and mobile header bar” content. Is there a way to enable it elsewhere Kind regardsBent Stad
  8. My themes config.xml file look like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <theme> <version value="1.4"> <ccc available="true" /> <guest_checkout available="true" /> <one_page_checkout available="true" /> <store_locator available="true" /> </version> <webp>1</webp> </theme>
  9. Hi The ability to enable / disable webp is missing. I have used it before and all my product images is webp. Uses TB1.1.0 and Panda 1.5.3. All my images must be webp, but when I regenerate images webp images are not formed. I've tried the following: Clear Smarty cache manually Enable Forcecompile Delete and disable cache Disable Smarty https://hestegrovvaren.dk Kind regards Bent
  10. Before upgrading to Thirtybees, I purchased the SuperTinyMCE Pro module for Prestashop 1.6, but after upgrading to TB 1.1.0, it no longer works. Does anyone know what is wrong?
  11. Hi Can i use the knowband supercheckout module in thirtybees?
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