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Everything posted by Amanda1

  1. Thanks, no luck from what I could understand of it... I think I will try & restore Thanks, no luck from what I could understand of it... I think I will try & restore & start again
  2. Thanks. But no luck
  3. Hi I migrated from PS 1.6.xx last night but have not been able to login the backend. Do we still logon the same way? On the front end both of my stores have the maintenance screen Many thanks
  4. Thanks so much😊
  5. Hello Thirty Bees Community - I'm still with Prestashop (multistore) but an thinking of making the change to 3B or shopify 2 things have happened within the last 2 days 1 - the making of spam accounts that link to porn sites - there is a fix in prestahop , is there a fix in TB? 2 - all my specific (sales) prices have gone missing?? where there 2 days ago but all gone now - any knowledge on this? no end date listed on back end - on backend & frontend - i guess I can buy a module to add sale prices as it would take me days to do manually - but have you heard of this before? could it be due to no. 1 above? many thanks Amanda https:///kidsshoesnz.co.nz https://womensshoesnz.co.nz
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