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  1. Thank ypu! One note - for Niara theme there are other names of image files. For me worket the following {if $product_manufacturer->id} <img src="{$img_manu_dir}{$product_manufacturer->id}.jpg" class="logo_manufacturer img-responsive" title="{$product_manufacturer->name}" alt="{$product_manufacturer->name}" /> {/if}
  2. Good day! How can I add a logo of a manufacturer on a product page in TB 1.1.0 ?
  3. I have just installed the TB 1.1.0 and making a store on it. I faced the following problem - most files are not loading. The button Upload is not working in Image upload, CSV import and loading attachment files. In module Blog form of adding images works correctly. Hosting is good enought, several PS 1.6 and 1.7 projects are working fine there.
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