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  1. The problem is SOLVED :)
  2. I check folder .../override/classes/ , and there was file CartRule.php . When dellete file CartRule.php, the module is installed correctly. Thanks on everyone :)
  3. They don't want to do it again. And If they can do it without uninstall or disable other modules, I mean that is just some cleaning in something...
  4. It is possible, but I dont know what module can be. But may be not conflict with other module, becouse in my other site on Presta Shop, I have a same error with this module. After contact with technical support, they installed module on Presta without problems.
  5. Hello friends, I receive an error when I try to install new module in TB. scratchcoupon : classes/CartRule.php already overridden. Any idea how to fix it? I’ve try to clear cache in admin pannel, but nothing. Please help…
  6. Hello, I receive an error when I try to install new module in TB. scratchcoupon : classes/CartRule.php already overridden. Any idea how to fix it? I've try to clear cache in admin pannel, but nothing. Please help...
  7. I've tryed now to enable TAX, and everything seems OK. But I don't want to use a TAX. It's important to me. How can I fix this problem, when TAX is disabled?
  8. Hello, I need some help. Days ago, I've update TB to 1.0.2. Previously, everything was OK. After update, I can't edit existing or upload new products becouse buttons save and save and stay are in circle, and can't click. It may be bug in back office, becouse I'ts run slowly. Any idea or help to fix this?
  9. club3m

    product comments

    Great! Done - Thank you so much :)
  10. club3m

    product comments

    Ive do this now. Its show that everything is up to date.
  11. club3m

    product comments

    Where I can look for solution?
  12. club3m

    product comments

    No. I use a Warehouse theme. But in the default comunity theme is not too.
  13. Hello, is there way to have productcomments module in TB? At this time customers dont have option to review the products. Is there any compitable module for review function?
  14. Yes I comfirm that is not a bug. I''ve tryed on different phone, and everything is OK. Thanks a lot
  15. http://test.mebelizona.eu This bug is on chrome browser may be
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