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Posts posted by supervipersly

  1. Hi

    I wrote a module to allow customers to order products and select a pickup point in another city. It all works fine until I have a customer from one province (we are in Canada) who selects to pickup his order in another province.

    In the order(class) I set up the iddeliveryaddress to that of the drop point when the order is complete not problem, but I cannot set the iddeliveryaddress for cart object in order to get proper tax calculations (we charge tax based on delivery address).

    Any help or do you know of a module that does this properly so can I buy and and implement it in mine (not for resale).

    Thank you in advance


  2. Thanks for the answer and yes I agree it is unusual , but as restaurants get more and more in the take-out and/or delivery, I believe you will see it more and more.

    Personally, I would just build it into the price.

    I think a new product called "gratuity" (which has no tax) will likely be the way to go.

    Thanks again and I must say, I am impressed by the level of involvement and support from this community and I look forward to contribute eventually

  3. Hi

    Whenever I try to add a virtual product and save the product, the type selector returns to "standard product" . This is happening in new installation for 1.0.2 and 1.0.3 , with US (one language) or Canadian (2 languages) situation, with no demo products created.

    Am I missing a configuration parameter ? Is there a guide somewhere ? Is this a bug ?

    Thank you in advance


  4. Just did a reinstall with the version I have (1.0.1, downloaded June 8) and added the Canadian pack. The Language for Français CA(French) is iso =>qc , language code => qc. Setting the local (language code) to fr or or fr-ca fixes the issue. I guess the Canadian pack should be configure iso=>qc, local=>fr-ca

    The page in question is is when a /fr/connexion when a user creates an account during the checkout process .

    As a side note, users should really add the French language pack (Localisation / translation ) after the Canadian pack because to get the base theme working (you get missing email notification template and such ) .

    I must say ThirstyBees is quite complete so far, and I can fix any issue by moving around in the code. Great job

  5. Hi

    After installing the Canadian localisation pack, The french language did not work, I received the following error :

    qc at line 124 in file vendor/commerceguys/intl/src/LocaleResolverTrait.php


    Going into the administration module and changing the language code from "qc" to "fr" seemed to solved the issue since the page now works .

    Just an FYI

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