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  1. Well finally, researching the centos web panel forums, I found the error, the bank entity with which the payment gateway is configured (redsys - Spain), does not support all SSL or self-signed certificates, but basically the error that they will not pass payments to TB, it was an error in the SSL certificate chain. Apply two solutions to the problem: 1.- Update CA certificates (https://forum.centos-webpanel.com/index.php?topic=11327.msg38719#msg38719) yum update ca-certificates 2.- edit the order of the certificate chain (https://forum.centos-webpanel.com/index.php?topic=6700.msg23108#msg23108)
  2. Bueno finalmente, indagando en foros de centos web panel, encontre el error, la entidad bancaria con la que esta configurado la pasarela de pagos (redsys - españa), no admite todos los certificados SSL ni autofirmados, pero básicamente el error de que no pasaran los pagos a TB, era un error en la cadena del certificado SSL. Aplique dos soluciones al problema: 1.- actualizar certificados CA (https://forum.centos-webpanel.com/index.php?topic=11327.msg38719#msg38719) yum update ca-certificates 2.- editar el orden de la cadena de certificados (https://forum.centos-webpanel.com/index.php?topic=6700.msg23108#msg23108)
  3. Well finally, researching the centos web panel forums, I found the error, the bank entity with which the payment gateway is configured (redsys - Spain), does not support all SSL or self-signed certificates, but basically the error that they will not pass payments to TB, it was an error in the SSL certificate chain. Apply two solutions to the problem: 1.- Update CA certificates (https://forum.centos-webpanel.com/index.php?topic=11327.msg38719#msg38719) yum update ca-certificates 2.- edit the order of the certificate chain (https://forum.centos-webpanel.com/index.php?topic=6700.msg23108#msg23108)
  4. My LOGs are as absurd as this. Could it be a bug in the php version? currently my versions are: Apache/2.4.53, PHP 7.4.25, MariaDB 10.6.4
  5. The orders had been working normally through multiple payment methods, via redsys (Spain) and paypal, until updating to Thirtybees 1.3.0, here the errors began, I tried to return to version 1.2.0, but the same errors persist. The payment modules are developed by banking entities (bbva). If I disable these I will not be able to make payments. Help please :'(...
  6. The orders had been working normally through multiple payment methods, via redsys (Spain) and paypal, until updating to Thirtybees 1.3.0, here the errors began, I tried to return to version 1.2.0, but the same errors persist. The payment modules are developed by banking entities (bbva). If I disable these I will not be able to make payments. Help please :'(...
  7. These are the logs that I have of the system, I checked the content of these but there is no error or something strange. What exactly should I look for?
  8. I have the following problem, when making a purchase and paying for it with any means of payment, the bank charge is made but The data of the purchase does not appear, it goes to the status of "abandoned cart". I have checked the logs and everything looks normal. Does anyone have a day that it could be?
  9. When making a purchase and paying for it by card or any other means of payment, this purchase immediately goes into the "abandoned cart" status, as if the purchase had never been made.
  10. Si el servidor tiene instalado modsecurity, verifica el id de los procesos que posiblemente estén bloqueando esa función o script.
  11. in the server logs everything appears fine, does thirtybees have any log section with great detail?
  12. I have the following problem, when making a purchase and paying for it, the shopping cart does not appear as paid but as abandoned. This happened after the latest TB 1.3.0 update. To reactivate the purchase I must go to Customers > Carts > Find the order as abandoned, and reactivate it as administrator, resend all billing and shipping emails. However, in the control panel module the active cart appears. Has it happened to someone?
  13. Tengo el siguiente problema, al realizar una compra y pagar esta, el carro de compras no aparece como pagado sino como abandonado. Esto sucedió despues de la última actualización de TB 1.3.0. Para reactivar la compra debo ir a Clientes > Carros de Compra > Buscar el pedido como abandonado, y reactivarlo como administrador, reenviar todos los correos de facturación y envío. Sin embargo, en el módulo del dahsboard aparece el carro activo. Le ha sucedido a alguien?
  14. Hola saludos, tuve el mismo problema, en la instalación por defecto funciona perfectamente, pero es por las zonas, al crear nuevas zonas es que deja de funcionar, al dejarlo dentro de la zona de Europa funciona perfectamente
  15. Hola saludos, oye como configuraste el rango de los transportistas, actualmente tengo el mismo problema. Lo extraño es que en una instalación limpia que tengo de TB funciona perfecto. Copie los mismo parámetros pero sigue diciendo que no hay transportistas para la zona.
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