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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. I tried using the Thirty Bees updater v1.2.2 to update to TB 1.0.2.

    I had the option checked to back up my files and database.

    I started the update and realized the backup was going to take a long time. When the file count got to zero, it started all over again with a new file countdown.

    I aborted the backup by exiting the module.

    Is this going to cause any problems? Is there an orphan record somewhere that I need to delete?


  2. Is there any way to disable both JqZoom and FancyBox on product pages? I know you can switch from one to the other but I would love to be able to turn both off.

    A majority of my product images will be 200x200 max size and the product zooms are not needed.

  3. I have been trying to learn how to change my category product grid to 4 columns instead of the default 3 columns.

    I found this code in product-list.tpl:

    {if $page_name == 'index' || $page_name == 'product'} {$product_block_size_class = 'col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3'} {else} {$product_block_size_class = 'col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4'} {/if} I just changed the col-md-4 class to col-md-3 and cleared my cache. It seems to be working perfectly.

    Is this really all there is to it on Thirty Bees?

    The reason I ask is because I was reading PS forums for a solution and in PS you need to modify javascript in a few different places to make the change. Things like how many products per line, list vs grid view classes, etc

    I could not find the relevant javascript code in TB.

  4. @lesley Ok I think I got it updated. My newbie mistake was thinking I needed to do anything in the TB back end.

    I love the community theme by the way. It's why I chose Thirty Bees.

    Thanks for your help. I appreciate it.

  5. Ok tell me if this is a good update method:

    1. Download 1.0.1 from Github
    2. Extract Zip locally on my computer.
    3. Rename the "community-theme-default-1.0.1" folder to "community-theme-default"
    4. Upload the renamed "community-theme-default" folder to the "themes" folder which will overwrite the original 1.0.0 theme.
  6. @lesley Yes I mistakenly added the 1.0.1 folder as a separate theme. It showed up as a theme is the backend. When I tried to activate it, it wouldn't work so I deleted 1.0.1 theme through the backend.

    When I did this it deleted the default theme but left the broken 1.0.1 in place.

  7. Well I managed to screw it up. I uploaded the 1.0.1 folder BESIDE the 1.0.0 folder. Then when the 1.0.1 would not function in the theme backend, I deleted the 1.0.1 theme in the backend.

    Guess what? When you do that, it deletes the 1.0.0 theme and the site is broken. Guess I need to do a clean install.

  8. I think I see my problem. I uploaded a 3rd party free theme and it works fine. The 3rd party theme has a modules folder, a themes folder, and a separate Config file.

    The community theme default just has a folder called "community-theme-default-1.0.1" with no separate config file.

    I wasn't aware that the community theme cannot be installed using the "add a theme" in the backend. I'll just hold off updating the community theme for now.

  9. I just tried to update the theme but I get a "Bad Configuration File" error when I try.

    I have tried uploading the zip file in the back end and also tried SFTP on Cloudways. (which I am new to)

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