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Posts posted by battistonnn

  1. Thanks @lesley , now I can see the TB back-office theme! But I have some doubts: 1) Can I update these modules as always?


    2) On fresh TB installation I can see "Duplicate URL" and "Custom Code" but I can't on Migrated version. Why? 0_1499441568603_thirtybees_url2.png (fresh installation) 0_1499441510851_thirtybeesurl.png (migrated)

  2. Thanks lesley, now I can see the TB back-office theme! But I have some doubts: 1) Can I update these modules as always?


    2) On fresh TB installation I can see "Duplicate URL" but I can't on Migrated version. Why? 0_1499441568603_thirtybees_url2.png (fresh installation) 0_1499441510851_thirtybeesurl.png (migrated)

  3. Hi! This is my situation 0_1499291317008_thirtyporco.png0_1499291327948_thirtyporco2.png

    As you can see the homepage is empty. The back-end seems incomplete. I run it on localhost (Apache) and I don't have any type of cache. Yesterday I tried a fresh installation of Thirty Bees and it works perfectly on local. But I need to migrate my PS shop. I tried to reinstall manually the Community Theme, but when I upload the Zip (community-theme-default-1.0.1.zip), I see this error: Bad configuration file.

  4. Hi there! I'm trying to migrate from PS to TB. After the installation, TB migration module shows this error message: ``` UPGRADE COMPLETE, BUT WARNING NOTIFICATIONS HAS BEEN FOUND. [WARNING] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE ps_category ADD display_from_sub TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL: Duplicate column name 'displayfromsub'

                                [WARNING] SQL
                                1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_hook` (`name`, `title`) VALUES ('actionRegisterAutoloader', 'actionRegisterAutoloader'): Duplicate entry 'actionRegisterAutoloader' for key 'hook_name'
                                [WARNING] SQL
                                1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_hook` (`name`, `title`) VALUES ('actionRegisterErrorHandlers', 'actionRegisterErrorHandlers'): Duplicate entry 'actionRegisterErrorHandlers' for key 'hook_name'
                                [WARNING] SQL
                                1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_hook` (`name`, `title`) VALUES ('actionRetrieveCurrencyRates', 'actionRetrieveCurrencyRates'): Duplicate entry 'actionRetrieveCurrencyRates' for key 'hook_name'

    ``` Front-office only shows the Shop's name. Back-office has the Prestashop graphic. After 2 years of PS, I officially hate it and I need a good substitute. But I have a lot of products and categories and I don't have time to insert them again. How can I fix it? Thanks in advance

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