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  1. Yes, I think sow to! I hope people will vote this feature/bug up the list sow we can have it fixed. It's my number 1 reason not to make shops with TB (or PS for that matter).
  2. Heres the url - sow it's possible to vote https://thirtybees.com/suggestions/product-packs-that-reduce-the-actual-induvidual-product-stock-as-well
  3. Don't no way I totally missed that page - FYI the page is missing a search function bad. Put a vote on it - hope it will get approved and integrated in TB soon
  4. Thanks
  5. Is there a viewable request list somewhere?
  6. Why is it that a product pack can't inherit the inventory numbers from the product in the pack with the fewest items in stock? If Product A has 2 items in stock Product B has 3 items in stock Product pack1 contains 1 item A and 1 item B the inventory/saleable numbers should inherit the (pack) inventory number from Product A = 2. It would be a more logical way to go. Thanks
  7. Yep, My bad. Rebooted and cleared cache. It do work i FF54.0
  8. Yes, it fixed the issue in my chrome browser. But the issue is the same in my normal go-to browser FF. (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/54.0 )
  9. After installing the 1.0.2 I can't use the product pack feature? Input name and saves. Then the BO shows the input box in the upper left corner of the screen and I can't get it to work. Screendump.
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