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Everything posted by Kevin13952

  1. I've tried multiple times to install Maxmind Geolocation module and configure it. Each time i click the "Download Database FIle" or even copy/paste the Maxmind url to try to download the file, I get the following error: " Failed to download database from http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLite2-City.mmdb.gz " If I copy/paste the above URL, I get a page not found return error. Is this a bug in the TB config where the URL might need to be updated? Is there a better URL for me to get this accomplished? Need help with this!
  2. Some of my products work correctly. Add To Cart button is visible and works correclty. But on one of my products the 'Add To Cart' button is missing. I've ensured that all combinations have available quantities. I've ensured that the product can be ordered even if out of stock. WHY would the 'Add to Cart' button vanish? Heres is a working item. Here is the item where the button vanishes. Any advice would be appreciated! UPDATE I originally had FIVE combination options, with Two variables for the first option and Seven variables EACH for the other four options. For whatever reason, when I deleted those options from the product, the button returned. I'll be trying to reproduce the issue, but I need the product available for ordering and can't wait for possible fixes. Setting up the item another way to at least be able to accept orders. Even if it's not the way it shold be.
  3. How do I create a configurable product? We have a coffee roasting company and I'm wanting to create a Gift Box where the customer can pick from a selection of coffees to put in the gift box. Here is the order process I envision: Customer chooses 'Gift Box' as the product. Above the 'Add to Cart' button is a list of different coffees for the customr to choose from. The customer can only choose FOUR coffeees per Gift Box purchased. But can randomly choose whichever coffees they wish for the Gift Box. Customer makes selection of coffees and clicks 'Add to Cart' and it places the Gift Box along with the selected coffees into their shopping cart. Additional considerations would be to either increment the pfinal price by which coffees are added to the Gift box.....OR... to set a total price for the GIft box and limit the choice of coffees to a specific number of selections. Any ideas how to make this happen?
  4. What files etc do I need to edit so that I can increase the character limit in the feature values? I have a coffee/tea company. I have three features currently. Ingredients, Brewing/Steeping Instructions and a feature called 'History, Legend & Lore' that provides interesting information about the coffee/tea and it's history and origins etc. Generally the Ingredients and Brewing features won't exceed the current limit, but the History legends lore feature is way too limited for the characters I need to use. How do I increase the character limit for the feature values?
  5. @datakick thank you for the information! I ran the SQL and it did indeed remove the warning. But the square payment option isn't working. It's active in Modules and Services>payments for all customer groups, active for the currency on my site, active for all countries and for all carriers. It's enabled and working in every other way. It's in production mode. But doesn't show up on front office at checkout. Any ideas?
  6. I just sent it to you. Thank you for taking a look at it!
  7. I installed the Square module so that I can use their Point of Sale and swipe capabilities. Id like to also use their payment gateway so everything is through one card processor for ease of reporting etc. Everything about their module works perfectly. I can sync my entire catalog to my POS on my tablet. I can sync customers. Everything works....EXCEPT for the payment gateway. I have SSL active and working on my site. In fact, if I try to login the admin area without using SSL, it warns me that I must use SSL to login for security reasons. So when I try to make the square module active for payments, it displays a warning at the top that says " You need SSL enabled to use payments. " Yet I HAVE SSL enabled. Any thoughts or ideas as to what glitch or bug could be causing this issue?
  8. I imported my products using the TB CVS import. And I simply copy/pasted all of the product settings from the first product down to all of the other products before importing them. So the first product was my template for all of the rest of the products.. The odd thing is that the first product was the only one that was reacting this way. The rest of the products performed normally. So if the first product was the template, and it resulted in this error performance, the rest should have also. But the reverse was actually occuring. I ended up deleting the first product and manually creating in the admin. ANd it worked perfectly. As a side note: I have two websites. One is for testing and one is for production. They are both on the same host, same server, same settings, etc. Yet when I import a CSV in the testing site, it imports with no errors. But importing into the production site and I get errors and have to reduce the CSV into smaller chunks, even though I'm only imporintg 24 products. Very 'buggy'.
  9. When I click on any of my products, it doesn't bring up the product. Instead it takes me to "quick order" and says my cart is empty. I'm not adding to the cart. I'm simply trying to pull up the item to view. HELP!
  10. I spent two full days adding my inventory to TB. I sell roasted coffee. One type of coffee has four variations (Drip grind, whole bean, sample size and single serve pods). I created every single product, created the combinations, uploaded four images of each coffee, edited the price and weight differences per variation, and everything was there and working great! I went to eat dinner and when I returned to add a blog article, I clicked on one of my coffees just to confirm the reference number....AND THE COMBINATIONS WERE GONE!!!!! I was shocked! I then attempted to add the combination back to the product, and when I clicked the "Save and Stay" button, it processed and said "Saved Successful"....except it wasn't successful. The combination refused to be added. PLEASE HELP! I've wasted an entire weekend only to have combinations vanish with no input or touching anything or doing anything!!!!
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