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  1. @datakick thank you for considering my request, and applying it into code. Whenever you find time and start working on a extension process to simplify it, I'll be happy to help.
  2. @datakick, I decided to write in this forum after finding your post: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/4678-custom-field-checkbox-admin-product-page/?do=findComment&comment=38020 I believe my extension is compatible with the old "Presta" way and identical to the one you mentioned in the post above. I think the only side effect is that someone decided to implement it that way and set variable "definition" to static public and use it by executing getDefinition ignoring(or preventing) completely valid parent -> child relationships. I'm glad that it is on your to-do list because I think that the variable "definition" should not be available directly from the children's classes, or there should be some short comment that we should not extend, but only redefine. Why for a time being we can't restore : $this->object = new Product((int)$idProduct) in AmindProductsController::initProcess()?
  3. Hi, I've been following TB right from the start, and finally decided to quit Persta this year. So far, I am very happy because most of the stuff works fine even though I have a lot changes in shop core. Some things unfortunately are not working. In my store, I have additional fields added to the Product class that work with Presta, but not with TB. I am blaming that change: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/commit/e563ae2e5aa13a15a06acbe3552621bfdfb15384 in particular removal of that line: $this->object = new Product($this->id_object); Since it was changed > 3 years ago, I started to think there was something wrong with my code as there are definitely other stores that work with TB and have a product class extension. But at the moment I'm not entirely sure if there is anything wrong with my code. Things I found while looking for a solution: Below I am referring to the code from version 1.2.0. I disabled non-TB modules but left "overrides" set to yes. A) AdminProductsController::initProcess a) For 'submitAddproductAndStay' and 'submitAddproduct' Product object is not created (removed by the above mentioned commit) b) For 'submitAddProductAndPreview' Product object is created and my extension is working Is that intentional, some kind of optimization? B) I also noticed that my extension works until someone sets filters in the product list (ie SubmitFilterproduct). This is in fact also result of the changes introduced by the above mentioned commit; How to reproduce: 1. Set some filter for the Product (for example search for name). Filter is stored in cookie. 2. Enter product and update custom fields than click "Save and Stay" Simplified flow: AdminController::initProcess()[3972] filter is set to true: $this->filter = true; (since there is filter set in cookie). And that is not ok. In my opinion it should not happen in the product, filters are for the product list. AdminController::postProcess[589] processFilter method is executed ObjectModel::getDefinition($this->className)[665] - ObjectModel::getDefinition pulls 'definition' static variable from ProductCore class and ignores my modifications set in my custom child Product class constructor: ... static::$definition['fields'] .... etc ... AdminController::postProcess[606] ($return = $this->{'process'.Tools::toCamelCase($this->action)}();) - The product is saved without any custom fields. In short: in the AdminController::processSave method, the loadObject method takes a cached(by processFilter) 'definition' variable without my modifications. How to sovle: 1) Revert above mentioned commit and add "$this->object = new Product($this->id_object);" for the 'submitAddproductAndStay' and 'submitAddproduct' actions. 2) Re-Define "definition" variable in the child className. 3) Prevent setting $this->filter = true in the AdminController::initProcess for the Product view/page. 4) Change caching mechanism in the ObjectModel::getDefinition Any other ideas? Or maybe I am missing something obvious here?
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