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Posts posted by CasualRascal

  1. I appreciate your replies but my question is more specific to how the `Use SSL` option works.

    I am not trying to debug anything, I just want to understand what that option actually does. As I said, I looked into the code of thirty bees and I noticed that it makes URI begin with https:// however I can't understand which URI it applies to.

  2. 6 hours ago, nickz said:

    Have a look into your .htaccess file. 


    .htaccess only has the standard thirty bees configuration. This is a test virtual host and there is no custom directive in any .htaccess file

  3. 6 minutes ago, musicmaster said:

    What you saw is most likely a result of the auto-complete function of your browser. 

    I don't think browsers do that. I hover with the mouse pointer over some links in the back office side panel and the status bar shows these links beginning with https://

    I looked at the thirty bees code and I unfortunately don't understand that well. It seems to me that the option toggles the use of https:// but I don't understand to what links it applies to.

  4. Hi,

    How does the Use SSL option actually work?

    I had it disabled and the backoffice links I could click on were still prefixed by https://

    Which "internal" links does that actually apply to? I noticed that if I force https redirections with `RedirectMatch 301 ^(?!/\.well-known/acme-challenge/).* https://example.com$0` while the option is off I get in a infinite loop situation.

  5. I figured it out: the host limits storage IOPS.

    Once I discovered that the host limits storage performance I did the following:

    In the apache httpd virtual host configuration I have added the line

    TimeOut 900

    In the .user.ini of the virtual host I have added the lines

    max_execution_time = 900
    max_input_time = 900
    default_socket_timeout = 900

    And in php-fpm's configuration file located in /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf I have added the line

    request_terminate_timeout = 900

    The installation took about 11 minutes, which is insane.

    After the installation was successful I reverted these changes.

  6. Hi datakick, thank you for your replies. I really appreciate your work and help.

    I am not using Cloudflare, so I don't think that is the problem, but that is interesting.

    With "server configuration issue" are you talking about something that I could have set up wrong in my virtualized environment or about something that the host has done while setting up my VPS? Do you have any suggestion on how to diagnose php or mysql performance issues?

    Thank you again for the support

  7. Hello,

    I am trying to install thirty bees on my VPS,

    The VPS has some good specs: KVM virtualization, 4 Epyc cores, 8GB RAM.

    I have installed Navy Linux 8.4 (a RHEL repack, just like CentOS), PHP 7.4 from Remi's repository and Apache httpd and MySQL from the repositories standard.

    While installing thirty bees, the installer successfully connects to the database in the "System configuration" step. In the following step however the installer encounters a "Gateway timout" error and fails to complete the install process. The complete error message is 

    Ajax request failed for process installDatabase=true with error. Gateway Timeout

    Do you know how to get past this problem?

    Any clue is appreciated.

    My virtual host .user.ini contains the following lines

    memory_limit = 1024M
    max_execution_time = 300

    But changing or removing them doesn't seem to change the behavior of the installer.

  8. I agree, it is weird.

    The screenshot below roughly translates to:

    Good day,
    We are sorry but we do not support projects built with thirty bees, but just with prestashop.
    Have a good day


    Context: I asked if they were available to start a new project based on thirty bees. Nothing weird.

  9. Hi,

    Who is taking care of the website? There are some issues with it I would like to fix but I can't find a git repository of the website.

    • There are links to Google+, a dead platform
    • Prestalia, an agency listed in the agencies page, informed me today that they do not work with thirty bees at all anymore
  10. <IfModule mod_auth_basic.c>
    	AuthBasicAuthoritative Off

    This does not work in the virtual host declaration, it could be added to htaccess but does this actually disable the module?

  11. 14 hours ago, the.rampage.rado said:

    I googled for hours before asking this question, the link you gave me is not an answer.

    I understand that it is possible to disable the module in the directory tag in the virtual host declaration, or in the .htaccess file. However I can't find how exactly. 

  12. Hello,

    I am trying to install thirty bees to evaluate whether it fits my needs or not.

    I read in the requirements that mod_auth_basic has to be disabled. Why is that? What does it break?

    I looked up the documentation but I am confused, I do not want to disable it on my entire server, how do I disable it for the virtual host that will be serving thirty bees? What do I write in the directory tag or in the .htaccess file?

    Thank you in advance for the information.

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