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HenriBierman last won the day on October 29 2024

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  1. Im running 1.4.0 on PHP 7.4 And running Warhouse version 3.8.2 from IQIT-Commerce
  2. HenriBierman


    Hi All Which module would you recommend to be used with Facebook Pixel? I see most modules is Prestashop.. So unsure if it will work correctly. Please tell me what do you use? Regards Henri
  3. Thank you, I will, Its tough to show exact problems, since there is no Error, only the occasional, no results.
  4. Got it, thank you so much. I changed it and now its adding. Thank you so much.
  5. Where can I rename these Attributes?
  6. Its as if it doesnt see the stock, when I change it to Allow Orders when out of stock, then add to cart is working. But when I set it to Deny, then it gives the erorr. And there is stock..
  7. https://olightsa.co.za/flashlights/433-flashlights-olight-haloop-rechargeable-led-camping-light-600-lumens-includes-4-x-18500.html?search_query=Haloop&results=1 Here is the link to the actual product, the other items add to cart without issues. But this product - Haloop gives the problem.
  8. Yes, Override is currently active
  9. Here is the product setup.
  10. Let me see which item is not working now. I installed Joli Search to help fix the issue, which helped. As this module also does indexing.
  11. Thank you, I just applied them all, but it seams like the Error is still there when I add that product. What I find off is that the older products add to cart 100%, but not this new product.
  12. Here is many. Was always scared I might break something when I hit apply.
  13. At Core Update, all shows updated. But by Database there is a few open for Apply Fix. Do you think its safe to Apply them all?
  14. Im on a shared server, running PHP 7.4. Its difficult to provide much more info, as the problem is inconsistent. No errors, just occasionally no search result.
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