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Everything posted by WayneB

  1. Thank you for the reply! Datakick has fixed the issue. It seems the module didn't uninstall fully. It's completely uninstalled now. I have purchased and downloaded a new call for price module for prestashop version 1.6.1. https://addons.prestashop.com/en/price-management/18929-call-for-price-ask-price-for-products.html Will this work with my Thirty bees 1.70? I really need this functionality as the old one wouldn't send the email after submitting the request. Any advice would be greatly appreciated on what version would work best with Thirty Bees 1.70
  2. I am running Thirty Bees 1.7. I uninstalled the module "Call for Price" because it wasn't sending emails anymore. After uninstalling the module the front site and admin area are now displaying a 500 error. Does anyone know what i can do to fix this? Maybe some entries were not removed from the database? I went in and deleted the hooks i found but that did not fix the issue.
  3. Hello, It was the google page speed module for sure! i disabled it then recompiled apache and all is working fine now. Thank you for your help on this 😉 I really appreciate it. Have a great night. Thank you for your time, WayneB.
  4. Hello, Do you mean an apache module? Would i need to disable the module and recompile apache or could it be disabled under cPanel user interface? Thank you for the info, WayneB.
  5. Hello, Thanks for the reply. The errors i get are the image slider graphic is missing. The very top of the website had the top banner module used but now it's gone even though the module is active and banner graphic shows in the backend. The square images under the banner some are missing and show a black line instead of the clickable product. The left menu wasn't working and now it is.... I have attached a screenshot of what i see. I also tried changing to the naira theme and am getting some of the same errors. Are you seeing the same errors or is everything displaying correctly for you? I have tried in several other browsers but see the same thing. The cart was also diplaying incorrectly before as in it looked broken on the page. It seems to suddenly started working. Very odd errors that keep changing. I have never experienced anything like this. I have also included some config info in .jpg attachement. I had been using Ptre from Datakick but can't seem to get in touch with him anymore. Is there a way to contact him through this site? I have an account on his site but am not getting a reply lately. He does amazing work and i was hoping to get in touch with him for help on this. Thank you for any help you can give, WayneB
  6. Hello, I need to hire someone to repair the site-page errors that suddenly appeared in my site at https://extractorking.com I did not make any changes and things have been working fine for years so I'm not sure what changed to cause this. Can someone recommend a company or person who is able to take a look and let me know what can be done? It looks to me like some core files are corrupted and need to be replaced but I'm not sure. Please contact me, WayneB
  7. Hello, I am looking for a skilled developer-programmer that is an expert with Thirty Bees to update-fix modules, fix php errors and update my template to work with php 8.0.34. I have already changed my server to php 8.0.34 and used the Thirty Bees core updater to update to php 8.0 but am getting many errors now. I also have the error logs module enabled and can see a bunch of errors. I have been working with Prestashop for 10 years and thirty bees for a year so i can assist in any server changes and testing. After everything is working and updated i will have more work that needs to be done as well. Please let me know availability and basic cost to get started. Here are some errors from the error log: Exception Error: Undefined constant "_DB_PORT_" modules/livechatpro/classes/LcpDb.php:96 2 Today 09/06/2023 21:09:41 View Exception Fatal Error: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported modules/fbtwconnect/lib/google/service/Google_Utils.php:58 2 Today 09/06/2023 20:44:02 Warning Undefined array key "description" error500_debug.phtml:240 2 Today 09/06/2023 20:44:02 Warning Undefined array key "contactKey" themes/theme958/contact-form.tpl 5 Today 09/06/2023 20:39:53 Warning Attempt to read property "value" on null themes/theme958/contact-form.tpl 5 Today 09/06/2023 20:39:53 Warning Undefined array key "configuration" modules/accessorycheckbox/views/templates/hook/accessorycheckbox.tpl 5 Today 09/06/2023 20:36:13 Warning Attempt to read property "value" on null modules/accessorycheckbox/views/templates/hook/accessorycheckbox.tpl 5 Today 09/06/2023 20:36:13 Warning Trying to access array offset on value of type null modules/accessorycheckbox/views/templates/hook/accessorycheckbox.tpl 5 Today 09/06/2023 20:36:13 Bulk actions Thank you, WayneB
  8. Hello All, I have been trying to get the tawk.to module to work on my site. I was using it fine before i upgraded from PS to 30 Bees 1.4. I have a tawk.to account and have accessed the module settings, logged into my tawk.to account and selected the widget. The odd thing is that when i go to my website on my phone i can see the chat box at the bottom of the site but when i visit my website in Chrome, Firefox or Edge there is no chat showing. Does anyone know how to fix this? I am using 30 Bees v1.4 and PHP v7.4. Thank you, Wayne
  9. I have fixed the slider by replacing the code as seen in the post you sent. I guess for the checkout page error i will need to pay you to fix this. Should i export my template and send it to you? Please let me know how to proceed? Thanks again for your help so far! I really appreciate it. Tank you, Wayne
  10. Hello, Ok thank you for the info but i think i'm going to need some help with this. I have sent you a direct message. Did you receive it? Thank you, Wayne
  11. Hello, Well i managed to get it updated to 1.4 bleeding edge on php 7.4! I did all the database fixes and it shows all green-good in the updater. I am still not able to see the slider images on my homepage though even after reuploading them. They show in the backend module but not o the fron tend. I just see the black camera default photo. Any idea on how to fix this? I also get an error when i try and go to checkout as seen below. So close to getting it working even though i'm seeing alot of popup errors in the backend. I have the display errors enabled so i can try and get rid of as many as i can. How do i sterilize my admin folder? I already renamed it. Error Cannot use object of type Carrier as array when rendering smarty template themes/theme958/./order-carrier.tpl compiled file cache/smarty/compile/2d/62/2c/2d622cc7ea5ea54e386529f15a7f665e29c41302_0.file.order-carrier.tpl.php at line 152 Source file: themes/theme958/./order-carrier.tpl 1:{if !$opc} 2: {capture name=path}{l s='Shipping:'}{/capture} 3: {assign var='current_step' value='shipping'} 4: <div id="carrier_area"> 5: <h1 class="page-heading">{l s='Shipping:'}</h1> 6: {include file="$tpl_dir./order-steps.tpl"} 7: {include file="$tpl_dir./errors.tpl"} 8: <form id="form" action="{$link->getPageLink('order', true, NULL, "multi-shipping={$multi_shipping}")|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" method="post" name="carrier_area"> 9:{else} 10: <div id="carrier_area" class="opc-main-block"> 11: <h1 class="page-heading step-num"><span>2</span> {l s='Delivery methods'}</h1> 12: <div id="opc_delivery_methods" class="opc-main-block"> 13: <div id="opc_delivery_methods-overlay" class="opc-overlay" style="display: none;"></div>
  12. Hello Again, Thanks for the programmer recomendation! I managed to get it to work after using firefox and changing the memory settings. I also used a private browser window. I was just trying to install 1.4 and received an ajax error. Any idea on hot to fix this one> Alos when i did the upgrade my images in the slider and front end categories dissapeared. Allos the main category images are gone. It happened the last time i upgraded also. I tried uploading them again but all i get is the black camera image... Not sure what to do on that. Here is the error it throws when trying to upgrade to 1.4 using php 7.4. Should i be using php 7.1 still while i'm upgrading to 1.4 then switch to php 7.4 after the update completes? Ajax request failed: parsererror Details SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
  13. Hello, Well.... The same thing happened but it made it to 2345 files this time. I'm wondering if this is a browser problem or a web issue? I received the error below. I am using chrome. Should i try Firefox or MS Edge? I've never experience this type of error before. Would you know if this is browser or server side related issue? Aw, Snap! Something went wrong while displaying this webpage. Error code: Out of Memory. Thank you, Wayne
  14. Hello, Thank you for the assistance! I really appreciate it!! I have all the host settings at the max but it stilll did the same thing. I have php 5.6, 7.0, 7.1 and everything up to 8.1. I have just downgraded my php to 5.6 and all checks have passed and all dependencies were resolved on each php version i switch to. I'm going to try the upgrade again with 5.6 and see how she goes. I have a few questions about things and also need to enquire about some services. 1. Once i am fully upgraded, what is the best version of php to use with 30 bees so i remain compatible with all the modules i have purchased from the ps addons store? 2. I have a few modules on my site that are for ps that i can't do without. Is there anyone here that i could pay to fix these modules, ie. (Make them secure and work with 30 bees?) I have purchased them all from the ps addons store for way too much money and would really like to keep them working. A few names of the modules are "Call for Price", "Sorting of Categories, "Advanced Top Menu" and "Slider Verification" for the contact form and a few others. I would also maybe need my template updated if it ends up being a problem. It works great with ps so i'm not sure how to tell if it needs upgrading except to look at the error logs. Thank you, Wayne
  15. Hello All, I have been trying to migrate my prestashop to the 30 bees using the psonesixmigrator-v2.1.1 Tool. I am using php 7.1 on my own dedicated server. When i configure the module all looks fine and the update starts. All checks passed. I have also deactivated non native modules and overrides and changed to the default template. It gets to the point where its says its upgrading files. It upgrades over 3/4 of them then it gets to around 4300 left and then the browser kicks out and it says "snap something went wrong" and the install fails. I have got to this point over and over again and had to restore from backup to try again and again. Very frustrating... I have increased all the post sizes and timeouts to max so i know it's not that. Is there anyone that has had this problem and can offer some advise? I am even willing to pay someone to get this done for me. Thank you, Wayne
  16. Hello All, I have been trying to migrate my prestashop to the 30 bees using the psonesixmigrator-v2.1.1 Tool. I am using php 7.1 on my own dedicated server. When i configure the module all looks fine and the update starts. All checks passed. I have also deactivated non native modules and overrides and changed to the default template. It gets to the point where its says its upgrading files. It upgrades over 3/4 of them then it gets to around 4300 left and then the browser kicks out and it says "snap something went wrong" and the install fails. I have got to this point over and over again and had to restore from backup to try again and again. Very frustrating... I have increased all the post sizes and timeouts to max so i know it's not that. Is there anyone that has had this problem and can offer some advise? I am even willing to pay someone to get this done for me. Thank you, Wayne
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