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Everything posted by AABFM

  1. AABFM

    Translation issues

    Thanks, let me give it a go
  2. Hi, I'm using the Portuguese translation package and I found a few issues and, so far, I haven't been able to sort one of them. To be precise on module "New Products" it keeps getting back with "No new products at this time." regardless of the language I choose in the front office. I've checked the new product block, and in the translations folder (.../modules/blocknewproducts/translations) there are only the 'index.php' and 'pt.php' files, but no 'en.php' one. Whereas with other blocks you will see the 3 php files, i.e. 'index', 'en' and 'pt'. When inside the 'pt.php' file you do see the line of code below with the correct translation for "No new products at this time.": $_MODULE['<{blocknewproducts}prestashop>blocknewproducts_home_0af0aac2e9f6bd1d5283eed39fe265cc'] = 'Neste momento não há novos produtos.'; I've also checked and the MD5 encryption is correct, i.e. "No new products at this time." encrypts to "0af0aac2e9f6bd1d5283eed39fe265cc" as shown before. If you explore a bit more in the module's template folder (.../modules/blocknewproducts/views/templates/hook) you will see inside file "blocknewproducts_home.tpl" that it refers to this 'error' message as: <li class="alert alert-info">{l s='No new products at this time.' mod='blocknewproducts'}</li> More interesting though is if you go to Localization -> Translation menu in the back office, you will see the following inside Front Office translations: which doesn't match no shows at the front... After thinking for a bit I decided to add to the 'pt.php' file another line and now it's like this: $_MODULE['<{blocknewproducts}prestashop>blocknewproducts_0af0aac2e9f6bd1d5283eed39fe265cc'] = 'Neste momento não há novos produtos.'; $_MODULE['<{blocknewproducts}prestashop>blocknewproducts_home_0af0aac2e9f6bd1d5283eed39fe265cc'] = 'Neste momento não há novos produtos.'; Is this the correct way to do it? Or is there a more clear and direct way of sorting out this issue instead of diving into php file editing? Thanks in advance.
  3. Found the solution! 1. Edit the Bliock CMS by clicking in "Config": 2. Inside click on "Edit" on the "Left Blocks": 3. Set as "No" "Add link to Store Locator" Done! Thanks to all of you!
  4. 1. I was looking at 'Disabled' modules that's why I didn't see it - sorry... 2. Even inside "Block CMS" the only reference to "Our Stores" is disabled...
  5. Can it be permissions on the webserver? They are all set as 0755 except for the config files with 0644
  6. Regarding the contacts: The only module I found with CMS on its name was this one: But as you can see it is disabled... Apologies for this, but with only a couple of weeks playing with TB it still takes a bit for me to find the bits'n'bobs I'm looking for...
  7. I've just done that by going into Advanced Parameters -> Performance -> Clean Cache and nothing, still there. Let me check the "Block CMS", 2 min.
  8. Inside the "Information" block which, I beleive is the CMS bit of TB: However when you go to the CMS management (Preferences -> CMS) there is no such thing: In the meantime I also tried to Disabled it, Uninstall it and even Delete it from within the admin menu and... Nothing! This is how it currently is: Just in case, I've also tried IE and Opera as different browsers (I use FF) and... Nothing! Any ideas? Thanks
  9. Hi, I'm new to TB and I'm also facing the same issue. The suggested solution (above) although it seems logical it doesn't seem to work. I even checked the database and it updates accordingly. I tried the desperate solution of uninstalling the modules and... it didn't work! Any ideas? Thanks in advance. Cheers
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