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MaxStrax last won the day on December 11 2023

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  1. Hello! I would really like to implement a 3D View for my products, but not 3D models (3D software), but just a 3D View to display a series of photos. Some examples for Prestashop: https://www.magictoolbox.com/?v=79cba1185463 https://addons.prestashop.com/es/fotos-productos/32265-producto-vista-de-360-grados.html Thank you!
  2. Hello! I just saw that there's a module for PS 8+ called PSGDPR. I have found this one, compatible with PS 1.6, but it only shows a message, nothing else. So, is there a compatible solution for ThirtyBees?
  3. Thank you for your reply. It worked!
  4. Hello! I'm currently creating and editing the corresponding pages for the CMS, and I realized that after adding extra spaces manually, the system deletes them just after saving the changes. So, I can't add extra blank space. I have HTMLPurifier and all its related options disabled, also the corresponding module is not installed/enabled. Do you know a working solution?
  5. Thank you for the reply datakick.
  6. Hello! I'm about to bring my first TB store fully online in just few weeks 🤞, and I have a question that comes to my mind. So, as the title says: does TB takes advantage of multi-core cpus from our VPC/VPS? Or it's focus to only work with single core cpus, or at least work only with the main cpu core of a multi-core one? I will use it with HestiaCP control panel. By now, I have chosen a single vcpu to try with (TB not yet available to the public, so no clients yet). Thank you!
  7. Thank you, I will investigate it.
  8. Hello, I would like to know if we can add a quick access icon for new returns in the top of the back-office.
  9. Hello, I'm customizing the appearance of the 'Continue shopping' and all related buttons: .btn.btn-lg.btn-default .btn.btn-lg.btn-default.btn-full .btn.btn-lg.btn-default, .btn.btn-lg.btn-default.btn-full { border: none; background-color: transparent; } But, I can't find the property that makes still appearing what is shown in the pic below. Some kind of transparent layer with a black/grey gradient around it. It's only shown when the user clicks on the button. Do you know what propierty this element is?
  10. Thanks for the reply, I think I will keep it simple and not hide it.
  11. Hello, I have managed to create and implement a floating WhatsApp button in the storefront of your Niara theme. Here's the code: HTML Add the below code to the footer.tpl file of the theme (/.../themes/niara/footer.tpl) Another way to customize the whatsapp url: https://web.whatsapp.com/send?l=en&phone=prefix-your-number&text=some-text <div id="whatsapp-button" class="whatsapp-button"> <a href="https://wa.me/prefix-your-number" target="_blank"> <img src="http(s)://path-to-your-wa-icon.png" alt="WhatsApp"> </a> </div> CSS Go to the Custom Code section of the admin panel (backstore), and add the below code: /* WhatsApp floating button for the storefront */ .whatsapp-button { position: fixed; bottom: 20px; right: 20px; z-index: 1000; } .whatsapp-button a img { width: 50px; /* Icon size */ height: auto; } JAVASCRIPT (not fully working) Go to the Custom Code section of the admin panel (backstore), and add the below code: // WhatsApp floating button for the storefront // Control how it's hidden/shown when scrolling the page. window.addEventListener("scroll", function() { var whatsappButton = document.getElementById("whatsapp-button"); if (window.scrollY > 200) { whatsappButton.style.visibility = "visible"; } else { whatsappButton.style.visibility = "hidden"; } }); All works perfectly fine, and very simple. But, I have a problem trying to make the JS code working as it should. The button hides itself only when I'm under certain categories with subcategories on it (???). When I'm on the home page and under categories without subcategories, the button remains visible. Can you help me with this?
  12. Fixed: // Get field's value dynamically var blockcatTitle = document.querySelector("#blockcategories .title_block"); // Change the value of the text field blockcatTitle.textContent = "Categorias"; But, just for curiosity. Is there another available built-in method in TB to allow that?
  13. I have done it with custom JS, and it's working as expected, expected that it also works when there's not a blockcategories element shown, but another one: // Get field's value dynamically var blockcatTitle = document.querySelector(".block .title_block"); // Change the value of the text field blockcatTitle.textContent = "Categorias";
  14. I tried, searching in 'Localization > Translations', but I can't find a matching field for the module. I assume it should have some kind of variable configured, so the title field changes accordingly to the name of the category. But, I would like to overwrite with a fixed value. I have done it with the block just below: FILTROS (previous: CATEGORY).
  15. Hello, The following code allows the title of categories to be alligned in the center of the page (horizontally): /.../themes/niara/css/product_list.css h1.product-listing { text-align: center; } But, how to apply this custom CSS for the subcategories (subsequent levels) ONLY? Not for categories (first level). Example: HOUSE (default, not centered) Furnitures (centered) Chairs (centered) Tables (centered)
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