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  1. When trying to respond to a customers message, immediately on replying, there is server error. It looks like it is expecting an ISO code, but no where to set this. The login details are correct and work for outgoing email just fine (i.e Smarty for email confirmations etc). Language is all set correctly also. Anyone else seen this or any suggestions? Logs show: ThirtyBeesException: No ISO code for email #0 classes/Mail.php(384) #1 classes/Mail.php(193): MailCore::getMailTemplates("reply_msg", "/var/www/84bd05c4-22f5-4b41-b8a1-adda1c8ca142/public_html/mails/", Shop#1, 1) #2 controllers/admin/AdminCustomerThreadsController.php(638): MailCore::Send(1, "reply_msg", "An answer to your message is available #ct1 #tcCF1sA4QLQ9To", array(4), "[email protected]", null, "[email protected]", "Customer Service", null, null, "/var/www/84bd05c4-22f5-4b41-b8a1-adda1c8ca142/public_html/mails/", true, 1) #3 classes/controller/Controller.php(198): AdminCustomerThreadsControllerCore->postProcess() #4 classes/Dispatcher.php(851): ControllerCore->run() #5 admin693uc5pu8/index.php(58): DispatcherCore->dispatch()
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