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  1. @datakick is there any possibility to help ?. My friend has 833 reviews which are very important to her. Thank you for your kind support.
  2. @datakick I now got the follwwing error.
  3. @datakick I deleted the line and got follwing error.
  4. @nickz When i click the update then i can only get TB 1.6. I can't get TB 1.5 At the moment i have TB 1.4 which also has bugs and more people crawl my friends shop.. nearly 300 to 500 visitors per day with random IP. I am afraid that the shop will get hacked soon so i am helping my friend.
  5. I got one more error. Can you please help me. What shoud i do here ?
  6. I got one more error from other module. Please see below
  7. Thank you for your support. should i just insert this before line 66?
  8. Understood. Whom can i contact to ? Would you recommend something where i can look into ? How can i check log modules ? by logging into FTP ? Thanks Madhosh
  9. Memebers, I am very new to this and learning. I want to upgrade my friend shop fro TB 1.5 to TB 1.6. But i have certain problems : 1. My friend had brought paid 3rd Party API for the shop review. This shop review doesn't work with TB 1.6. Questions : a. If i want to migrate the whole data how should i do it ? b. TB has product review which is for each product. But i wanted it only as shop review. How can change or customize it ? Can you please help me here.
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