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thirty bees forum

Barry Smoke

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Everything posted by Barry Smoke

  1. We have a need for tiered pricing on a parent grouped product, where the sub-products are to be a virtual/downloadable product. we need a customer to add quantities of these subproducts, and they will have a list of say 5 subproducts to have to fill a quantity out for, and the quantity totals should control the tiered price they end up seeing. I saw thirty bees software on softaculous and was going through the list, deploying demos to find software that could handle this requirement. I saw thirty bees has the hierarchal product structure to handle this, so I added a couple of products in the demo, then tried to put quantity based product pricing on the parent(grouped product), then tested it in the demo front end. the tiered pricing never kicked in so it didn't work. is this supposed to work, and a bug in the demo? I didn't catch the version the demo installed, but before spinning up a local install, wanted to ask if this was designed to work that way. Thanks, Barry Smoke
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