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  1. Thanks for solving this one. I checked the box that says English and it shows up!
  2. The file it refers to only has two blog post links, there are no other website pages listed.
  3. I'm trying to generate a sitemap, but it just generates an empty file. What am I missing?
  4. I'm not seeing new blog posts after creating them in the admin, they are showing up as active and published at a date previous than today in the admin. However, on the front end, no new posts are visible. What can I do?
  5. I am wondering how I may edit some of the required cart fields, or if they are not required, to hide them. I do not need to collect both the home and work telephone number, I would rather collect just one if possible. How may I go about hiding or editing the cart / account fields when a customer is on their way to checkout? -Stu
  6. I found the problem, under Modules and Services under Payment, the custom shipping category for Free Shipping was not included. So I checked it and now its working.
  7. I have stripe set up with the correct API keys, but the system is showing there is no payment modules installed. What can I do? Stu
  8. Thanks, I found it under Administration Preferences, Under Upload quota, under Maximum size for a product's image
  9. Hello ThirtyBees, I am trying to embed a contact form script onto the CMS page that I created. I have enabled iframes in the settings, but it is just a script. It seems as though I can't embed <script> tags into the HTML areas of the CMS page. Is this something I need to do on the FTP? Thanks for your help -Stu
  10. Hi ThirtyBees, I just installed a new Thirtybees for my shop, and I am uploading some images for a product, and one of the images has an error, 5.jpg : An error occurred while copying image, check your memory limit. I upped the php memory limit, but I still get the error, what memory limit is this referring to? Thanks for your help, Stu
  11. Awesome, well, thank you mdekker - how do I close this/mark it as solved?
  12. I changed the Encryption to TLS with port 587 and it works, but that the password field stays blank even though something is saved - is slightly unsettling. Maybe it was done for security purposes? If so, then it is all good.
  13. When I hit the save button on the SMTP email password textbox, it doesn't save the pw, it stays blank. Testing the mail results in a failure. This is what it looks like after hitting save, and the green dialog says it saved correctly:
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