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thirty bees forum


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  1. @dosbiner good idea, thanks for the response ...
  2. In order for communication easier and easier to read something new in tbs forum on smartphones like reading the status on facebook. I think if it does not exist, we have forum tbs suggestions in the form of apps in google playstore / app store. And I have a suggestion to contribute a lower growth tbs of at least $ 0.5 / month or at least volunteers because each store has its own financial limitations and is influenced by the value of the currency in each country. And better yet all the donations are free or voluntary, if the store develops can be increased for the contribution of each individual consciousness, because I understand in this world nothing is free except breathe air hehehe ...: P
  3. To facilitate communication and more easily read something new in thirtybees forum on a smartphone like reading the status on facebook. I think if it does not exist, we recommend thirtybees forum is in the form of an application in google playstore / App store. And I have a suggestion to donate the development of thirtybees preferably at least 0.5 dollars / month or at least volunteer because each store has a level of financial limitations of each & influenced by the value of the currency in each country. Better the value of little money donated but the number of people who donate a lot, rather than the value of money that contributes greatly but the number of people who contribute it slightly. And better yet all free or voluntary donations, if the store develops can be increased for the donation of each individual's consciousness, because I understand in this world nothing is free except breathe air hehehe ... :P
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