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Posts posted by romaric17

  1. Hello

    I am using ElasticEmail to send emails from ThirtyBees. I specify that the emails sent by ThirtyBees are transactional emails. This way, people who have unsubscribed my emails (marketing/newsletter emails) still receive transactional emails (order confirmation, etc.). This is done by adding a header to the emails, IsTransactional: True.
    More info: https://help.elasticemail.com/en/articles/2419281-what-is-the-difference-between-marketing-and-transactional-email
    I pass this header when sending emails from ThirtyBees.


    Up to TB 1.4

    I took Mail.php class, added this line and placed the edited Mail.php class in /override/classes/Mail.php

                /* Send mail */
                $message->setFrom([$from => $fromName]);
                $message->getHeaders()->addTextHeader("IsTransactional", "True");
                $shouldSend = $configuration['PS_MAIL_METHOD'] != static::MAIL_METHOD_NONE;
                $send = $shouldSend ? $swift->send($message) : true;


    With TB 1.5

    Things are changing. Mail.php class now uses MailTransport and an associated module. Here is how I have achieved passing IsTransactional: True header.

    1/ In TB admin, install and activate the module: Mail via swiftmailer

    Screenshot 2023-03-05 at 15.39.31.png

    2/ Configure the module to use PHP's mail() function

    Screenshot 2023-03-05 at 15.38.40.png

    3/ Edit /modules/tbswiftmailer/src/SwiftMailerTransport.php by adding the last line here:

            $message = Swift_Message::newInstance();
            $message->setFrom($fromAddress->getAddress(), $fromAddress->getName());
            $message->setReplyTo($replyTo->getAddress(), $replyTo->getName());
            $message->getHeaders()->addTextHeader("IsTransactional", "True");

    And now all emails sent by ThirtyBees will have the IsTransactional: True header.

  2. Hi Sorry for late reply. I do use customer service function and it's working quite well but has bugs.

    It does grab answers on the IMAP server if the customer answers by email and adds it to the right thread (the email subjects have id tags in them #id12345 so it is linked to the right conversation). It also grabs answers posted directly on the shop, for instance in my account > order details or via the contact form. The merchant can answer from the backoffice customer service function only.

    Missing: no support for attached files. If the customer sends an attachment via an email client, it won't show in customer service thread. Merchant can't add attachments. Bug: some emails received via IMAP can't be read, they look as encoded text or I don't know what, then you have to tell the customer to call you or talk via regular email clients.

  3. I am using TB 1.0.3 and ThirtyBees' Piwik module on Cloudways. Piwik is a self hosted instance on Cloudways too.

    Cloudways has Varnish which acts as a proxy and has to be configured in order to get user's real IP instead of server's self IP ( See: https://matomo.org/faq/how-to-install/faq_98/ These settings are correctly set on my Piwik instance.

    The issue: - When the visitor isn't logged in on the TB shop, his IP is correctly reported in Piwik. - Once the visitor logs in, his IP becomes in Piwik.

  4. How to replicate the issue:

    1/ Create a customer group, for example HIGHVALUE. 2/ Create or select existing user, add him to the HIGHVALUE group. Default group can still be Customers or HIGHVALUE, whatever you prefer the issue is the same. 3/ Create a new voucher with valid dates and this condition: user being in the HIGHVALUE group. My action is a 5% reduction on order. 4/ Go to the frontoffice and login as a user in the HIGHVALUE group. Try to order something and apply the voucher.

    I get the error: "1. You cannot use this voucher"

    This voucher was working in PS and after migrating to Thirtybees it doesn't work anymore.

    Other vouchers with other conditions seem OK. It seems related to the condition: customer group.

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