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  1. When editing and saving mails templates (Location -> Translations -> Translation of e-mails) variable {shopur} is replaced by http://yourshopdomain.com/adminfolder/{shop_url} in a few html files. After this customer receives an email with direct url to your admin panel. I don't think that's the case. When you edit these email translations you indeed see http://yourshopdomain.com/adminfolder/{shopurl}. But in the mail which the customer receives you just see your shopname with a link to http://yourshopdomain.com/ So I think there's nothing wrong there.
  2. You mean /themes/themename/mails/nl/? I have these .tpl (orderconfcartrules.tpl and orderconfproductlist.tpl ) files placed there. When the customer places an order, he receives an email with orderconf template - variables work properly Yes this works properly now. When I manually send a message (using the same template) to the customer, the variables do not work Why should you manually send a message to the customer using this template ?
  3. @Adik for the orderconf problem: The .tpl files didn’t exist on the translation folder (mail/nl). I put them there and now the orderconf email shows everything well. @mdekker : The new_order email still won't sent. I don't know what goes wrong.
  4. Can the new files (nl folder) be read by thirty bees (permissions okay)? Yes permissions are the same as the (en folder), 755
  5. @mdekker said in Problem with mailalerts and order confirmation not complete: What does that mean? Does the new_order email show up on that list? I mean that the email configuration is ok. And no, the neworder email doesn't show on that list. However the orderconf and the payment do show on that list. So I don't know what to do to get the new_order email. Could the templates have been accidentally encoded? Can you look up one of those .tpls and see if it contains %7Bproducts%7D? If that is the case then it should be changed back to {products} to make the products show up in the email again. Ah, the .tpl files didn't exist on the translation folder (mail/nl). I put them there and now the order_conf email shows everything. Thank you.
  6. Hi, 1. I have problems with mailalerts. The merchant does not get a "new order" mail. I have already "en" folder and the translated "nl" folder in the /themes/ Email works well. Does anyone have a solution? 2. When an order is made, the customer gets an "order-conf" email. In this "order-conf" email I do miss the products and discounts (see image) Does anyone have a solution for this?
  7. Thank you all for your quick response. @Tomik: That did the trick, but I first had to make the product page into the tb_meta table.
  8. Hi all, I am using the warehouse theme with thirty bees 1.03 Everything works fine but I can't enable and disable the left and right columns in the theme's advanced setting. Can someone help me with this?
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