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Posts posted by Glenn

  1. @lesley: I am not sure if I understand your comment correctly. Do you mean all 7 in your opinion do need consent? Cookies from the social sharing and send to friend, aren't they built-in functions in PS?

  2. Hello everybody,

    Which of the (PS-)modules mentioned below are using cookies that are only used to make the website work properly (or: which ones are using cookies that do need prior consent from the user before they may be used)?

    I am wondering how everybody else with limited technical knowledge is able to separate these cookies? It seems to me that only nr. 5 en 7 would need prior consent of the user?

    1. Social sharing
    2. send to friend
    3. product questions
    4. product comments (reviews)
    5. Kiyoh reviews
    6. exit popup module
    7. Matomo analytics
  3. @Generaal: It seems I use other version than you do. In my case the russian messages did stop, but a day after my email server seems hacked. I had to change passwords to make that stop. Since than (with the catchpa module) no more russian spam sent form the contact form.

    my version: https://prnt.sc/ii6ici

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