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  1. @doclucas hi doclucas, yes.... after my 1st order, when I added another shipping courier, it not appear in the cart selection.
  2. Can we add a manual shipping price in manual order in back office ? If not, do we have a module that can create a manual shipping pricing ?
  3. seriously, I dont what my problem is with the bugs.... seem like when I fresh install 30bees, I can use many courier, but once I have first order, when I add another courier option, its doesnot appear in the cart.... whats a bugs !!!!
  4. I dont know where my problem is but seem only 3 are limit to me...
  5. HI, I am trying to create shipping option more that 3 option but seem not responding in the cart. How many shipping option are allowed in thirtybees ? Because the fourth are not visible in the cart ? Rgds Ikra
  6. Excellent !!! thanks data kick.
  7. Hi, I have a problem when customer is choosing a shipping courier. the final price of shipping cost always goes to default courier although customer choose it differently ? what did I do wrong ? Rgds Ikram
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