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Posts posted by mauroagr

  1. Dear,

    I am using shipping agent that connect by api, but they are slow (8 s). All pages load the carrier, and this degrade the load time.

    Any have ideia to workaround when the api go slow?


  2. Dear Friends,

    I start to use the api from TB/PS, they work easy..easy.

    But, i see that the speed from reply are not good. Orders and orders status (20 orders query), return so slow compared with site speed results.

    Any use full api to work and see the same results or make some tunning in api script?



  3. I try to add product in backoffice, in a order but when i add the item....they reduct the stock two times. example: stock before add: 10 add in order: 2 expected stock result: 8 result in TB: 6

    I solved here in controller/admin/AdminOrderController.php Line 2429 (comment the line): // StockAvailable::updateQuantity($orderDetail->product_id, $orderDetail->product_attribute_id, ($orderDetail->product_quantity * -1), $order->id_shop);

    Line 2775: Before: // Update product available quantity StockAvailable::updateQuantity($orderDetail->product_id, $orderDetail->product_attribute_id, ($oldQuantity - $orderDetail->product_quantity), $order->id_shop); After: StockAvailable::updateQuantity($orderDetail->product_id, $orderDetail->product_attribute_id, ($oldQuantity - $productQuantity), $order->id_shop);

    I dont right if this will impact in more places.... Thanks Mauro

  4. @wakabayashi not work if i use the @Traumflug suggestion. I need use all public function renderView() { parent::renderView(); $this->tpl_view_vars['dados_garantia'] = '654654654'; return AdminController::renderView(); }

  5. Solved!

    ``` public function initContent(){ parent::initContent(); }

    public function renderView()
        $this->tpl_view_vars['dados_garantia'] = '654654654';
        return AdminController::renderView();


  6. Dear, I am try to override the RenderView() function from adminOrdersController, without copy all function. I am try to add only some tplviewvars, but dont have success, i think is a little detail but don't find it. Have any idea?

    public function renderView() { parent::renderView(); $extra_var = [ 'dados_comment_order' => 5555, 'dados_garantia' => 'asdfasf' ]; array_push($this->tpl_view_vars, $extra_var); return parent::renderView(); }

  7. i will test it. Other problem is that i use github to versioning, but if i make some improvement in development, send to git...when i go make a deploy this update go direct to the production. The problem is if the module upgrade some think in DB, then if i versioning it, i lost this improvement. Any suggest to this? Mauro

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