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  1. Hi, This is the response I received: YAML PHP Extension is not within the set of available extensions that can be enabled and if you want to install it for your website, you can do that manually and use it from a Local folder. How soon I need to do this?
  2. Thank you I have reached out to them and they are working on it.
  3. I updated to the bleeding edge and php version 8.2 and retested the module. Everything worked without warnings or errors!! Thank you very much. However, when I checked the configuration information after the update the following showed. Some required tests failed Install the 'yaml' PHP extension on your server. I do not see that extension as an option. Do I need to contact my hosting customer service for this?
  4. Thank you. Which php version should I use?
  5. That is what I am doing.
  6. This is the stacktrace with TB 1.6 php version 8.0 and higher (I tried it on a couple of versions) #0 classes/webservice/WebserviceOutputBuilder.php(829) #1 classes/webservice/WebserviceOutputBuilder.php(829): str_repeat("\t", -1) #2 classes/webservice/WebserviceOutputBuilder.php(570): WebserviceOutputBuilderCore->setIndent(1) #3 classes/webservice/WebserviceSpecificManagementImages.php(1234): WebserviceOutputBuilderCore->renderEntity(Image#1, 1) #4 classes/webservice/WebserviceSpecificManagementImages.php(947): WebserviceSpecificManagementImagesCore->writePostedImageOnDisk("", null, null, array(17), "/home/customer/www/stargeezerstuff.com/public_html/img/p/") #5 classes/webservice/WebserviceSpecificManagementImages.php(649): WebserviceSpecificManagementImagesCore->manageDeclinatedImagesCRUD(false, "", array(17), "/home/customer/www/stargeezerstuff.com/public_html/img/p/") #6 classes/webservice/WebserviceSpecificManagementImages.php(728): WebserviceSpecificManagementImagesCore->manageEntityDeclinatedImages("/home/customer/www/stargeezerstuff.com/public_html/img/p/", array(17)) #7 classes/webservice/WebserviceSpecificManagementImages.php(739): WebserviceSpecificManagementImagesCore->manageDeclinatedImages("/home/customer/www/stargeezerstuff.com/public_html/img/p/") #8 classes/webservice/WebserviceSpecificManagementImages.php(361): WebserviceSpecificManagementImagesCore->manageProductImages() #9 classes/webservice/WebserviceSpecificManagementImages.php(226): WebserviceSpecificManagementImagesCore->manageImages() #10 classes/webservice/WebserviceRequest.php(633): WebserviceSpecificManagementImagesCore->manage() #11 webservice/dispatcher.php(102): WebserviceRequestCore->fetch("fdecdc63747f250c2d33c089db648b26", "POST", "images/products/242", array(0) [], false, "")
  7. I got it working on TB 1.6.0 php version 7.4 The error is still there but has been downgraded to a warning. This is the stacktrace: #0 builtin #1 classes/webservice/WebserviceOutputBuilder.php(829): str_repeat("\t", -1) #2 classes/webservice/WebserviceOutputBuilder.php(570): WebserviceOutputBuilderCore->setIndent(1) #3 classes/webservice/WebserviceSpecificManagementImages.php(1234): WebserviceOutputBuilderCore->renderEntity(Image#1, 1) #4 classes/webservice/WebserviceSpecificManagementImages.php(947): WebserviceSpecificManagementImagesCore->writePostedImageOnDisk("", null, null, array(17), "/home/customer/www/stargeezerstuff.com/public_html/img/p/") #5 classes/webservice/WebserviceSpecificManagementImages.php(649): WebserviceSpecificManagementImagesCore->manageDeclinatedImagesCRUD(false, "", array(17), "/home/customer/www/stargeezerstuff.com/public_html/img/p/") #6 classes/webservice/WebserviceSpecificManagementImages.php(728): WebserviceSpecificManagementImagesCore->manageEntityDeclinatedImages("/home/customer/www/stargeezerstuff.com/public_html/img/p/", array(17)) #7 classes/webservice/WebserviceSpecificManagementImages.php(739): WebserviceSpecificManagementImagesCore->manageDeclinatedImages("/home/customer/www/stargeezerstuff.com/public_html/img/p/") #8 classes/webservice/WebserviceSpecificManagementImages.php(361): WebserviceSpecificManagementImagesCore->manageProductImages() #9 classes/webservice/WebserviceSpecificManagementImages.php(226): WebserviceSpecificManagementImagesCore->manageImages() #10 classes/webservice/WebserviceRequest.php(633): WebserviceSpecificManagementImagesCore->manage() #11 webservice/dispatcher.php(102): WebserviceRequestCore->fetch("fdecdc63747f250c2d33c089db648b26", "POST", "images/products/250", array(0) [], false, "")
  8. After some research I found out that the error was caused by the php version. The Printful module will not work with anything higher than 7.4.
  9. Hello, I tried to add product to my site using the Printful module after upgrading to TB 1.6 and it returned a 500 error and said the product was not added. I checked the site and it actually added the product but without combinations. The PHP error log is as follows: Message: ValueError: str_repeat(): Argument #2 ($times) must be greater than or equal to 0 Location: classes/webservice/WebserviceOutputBuilder.php line 829 It appears to be a problem with adding the images. I reached out to the Printful customer service and after sending it to their "Team" they told me that the problem is on my end. The only problem is in adding new product. Orders are syncing with Printful and they are updating shipping information correctly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Laura
  10. I figured out how to check the ownership using filezilla. I found that on both the sites with an error there is a file named .directory-upload which has an ownership of 0. This file does not exist on the other site. Is this an important file? If not can I delete it? If it is how do I change the ownership? Thank you for your help.
  11. Thank you, how do I check ownership?
  12. Hello, I have three websites with thirty bees installed. Two of them (the first two I created) after upgrading to 1.6.0 have this error on the configuration page: "Set write permissions for the "modules" folder and subfolders." The third site does not have any error. I have checked the write permissions and all sites are 755 and 644. The reason I found this is the Printful module on one site is no longer syncing to Printful. How can I resolve this problem? Thank you for any help.
  13. Thank you! That fixed the problem.
  14. It looks like it is a problem with the spreadsheet module. This is the error: Declaration of PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Collection\Memory::get($key, $default = null) must be compatible with Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface::get(string $key, mixed $default = null): mixed in file modules/tbspreadsheetdatasource/vendor/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Collection/Memory.php at line 40
  15. Hello, I updated to the 1.6 version and when I tried to do a csv import of a spreadsheet I got a server error 500. I reverted to version 1.5.1 and the upload went through with no problems. Thank you for any help in this, Laura
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