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  1. Open pdf/header.tpl file and edit line "{if $logo_path} ...", just change img src so it points to actual file of your logo, like so: {if $logo_path} <img src="../img/shop-logo_1452460446.jpg" style="width:{$width_logo}px; height:{$height_logo}px;" /> {/if} Hope that helps.
  2. it does not like absolute path, when I manually add relative path or absolute URL instead of $logo_path in header.tpl then it works.
  3. No luck. Tried jpg and even some random logo from internet. I did a quick debug at classes/pdf/PDF.php, echoing $template->getHeader() and I can see that image path is there but not sure why it's not working. Something with PDF rendering?
  4. I have migrated from 1.6.20 prestashop to thirty bees 1.0.7 and everything looks ok except for invoices. Generated invoices have no logo image. I tried to reupload image, also tried different invoice templates but still no luck. Any ideas?
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