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thirty bees forum

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  1. Hmm attachments are not working on the forums for some reason. I'll link to the files shortly.
  2. I've had this module written for me some time ago for PS 1.6. There are some install issues with it and when I tested it, it installed fine on a default new install but failed to work properly on a modified PS install. Looking for someone to finish the module and make it work with TB. The original release post https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/536132-free-module-ps-1615-combinationattribute-option-dimensions/ The files 01500682296133pacshipping.zip I'm attaching the code here since its mine and will release it to the community once its done. Please post there or text me with the quote to get it properly working and with TB.
  3. I'm become jaded with building sites and spending untold hours designing a responsive templates and what not. Normally I'd be using Drupal and Ubercart or Drupal Commerce and the Drupal built in forums as you can do complex interaction with some basic coding and the views module but Now I want something all in ready to go and no efin around. So I was thinking that it would be nice for ThrityBees to have a basic forum module (not too basic and not too complex) and have the ability for customers to tag a product in a forum post and then show those posts on the product page. For example you can see some of this in action on Ncix.com at the bottom of the product page http://www.ncix.com/detail/asus-rt-ac68u-ac1900-dual-band-turboqam-f5-90144.htm Now obviously this wont be usefully to many retail/business types but there are lots that this could be useful too to build up customer engagement in the shop and products and TB could be one of the only carts out there that has this feature. Add to this the blog module and you really start having an all in one shopping cart system.
  4. Yah np, no bid deal for me as I know what the history but could be confusing to those who see thirtybees first and then get taken to Prestshop.
  5. @mdekker 1.0.1 form the DL link.
  6. Not sure if this is intended but the front page banner on the demo and fresh install leads back to prestashop.com when someone click it.
  7. Should also add if there is going to be a market place like PS each module page should have a support/issue section like the Drupal one where people can post support questions and then have the owner/community post fixes. This could potentially make module writers put more effort into them or make it easier to remove abandoned modules. As it is right now for PS or OC you really have to take a chance on buying a module and hoping it'll be supported for a while.
  8. I'm looking into using TB for my site but was thinking since the project/organization is still young it would be beneficial to the community/project to maybe have security reviews of third party modules like say Drupal does https://www.drupal.org/node/1011698
  9. 1 I think I saw another thread about it but closed the window by accident. On the catalog page or where ever a product list is displayed, products that have attributes should show those options above the buy now button or at least have the button say Select Options and products with no attributes can just shows Buy Now button. 2 I had this module written for PS but there are a couple bugs in it and I didn't bother to get the dev to fit them. https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/536132-free-module-ps-1615-combinationattribute-option-dimensions/#entry2470156 Since I paid for the code if its usable go ahead and use it. Bascially what the modules does is each combination/attribute option can have weight and dimensions fields which are then available to the shipping modules. The reason I need this is because Canada Post gives much better rate quote when an item has dimensions and weight. For example say I sell a product that comes in 500ml, 1L and 4L bottle sizes. Obviously each option of the product will have different dimensions and weight. 01489396356404packshipping.png
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