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  1. Firefox from 52 version up to lastest Windows 7 TB 1.0.7 The site is on the server but on maintenance; I'll need have you ip adds. The site is a migration from ps1.6 upgraded from ps1.5 Looking on console I've not found difference or error from IE and CHROME where the site is working right; but I'll do more investigation on consoles and I'll give you eventually error. Thank you
  2. Probably this issue does not exit...
  3. Hy, I have a problem to show the images in product list when I use firefox. Firefox show only a link not the image when I look the products in a category or in homefeatured module or new arrivals module. I've found that the issue is in the produc-list.tpl adn/or product-list-item.tpl. Can help me? thanks
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