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  1. I need send 2 files only once , with email confirmation of order. Yes for each customer
  2. Ok so it is bad way....is there anyone who has the experience and time to create such a module? Please write me to PM
  3. thx it works like in Prestashop. You are right @datakick, I just add some code to classes/Mail.php
  4. Thx for help @datakick and @yaniv14... but my skills are not in this level ๐Ÿ˜ž but this not first thing what is different from Prestashop..... I will migration back to Presta .. there is bigger support and more topics about any problems than here... For sellers with small IT skills is better Presta...this is true
  5. Ok ...I am not โ€ŽSteven Jobs ๐Ÿ˜• can You tell me how I ca do it? Anyway these 2 files are for all customers totally same so please can You tell me more about solution nr. 2 ? But i need send them as files not only links in email... Thank You
  6. Hi I need send with email confirmation 2 files(1*pdf+1*docx) I found some solution for Prestashop 1.5 / 1.6 but doesnt works with TB 1.08 Please help me with this problem
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