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PayPal v5.4.5 - Can not make it appear on payment page


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I've recently migrated from Prestashop 1.6 to Thirty Bees 1.08. Everything is going great, except I can't get the PayPal module to display in checkout. I've done a fair bit of troubleshooting but have ran out of ideas. I'll list what I've tried below.

- uninstalling and reinstalling module
- clearing cache at various times between changes
- resetting module
- modifying paypal.php so that it thinks it has passed the TLS1.2 check (fails this test but server is definitely using it)
- checking that currency, group, carrier checkboxes are all correctly selected
- double checking all those associations in the database
- changing to default themes in case my custom theme was causing an issue
- every combination of Enable Website Payments Standard, Enable Website Payments Plus, Enable Express Checkout

Worth noting that when trying to add a custom payment option, I can't see that either. Bank Wire and Cheque are working, as they were with Prestashop 1.6

Any suggestions?



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