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Everything posted by Webshoptime

  1. Onepage ;) Yes but this one from rei.com looking good. It's almost similar like presta 1.7. It must be easy for the customers without issues.
  2. ow great i'm loving it ;)
  3. The one thing i really like is the onpage check out of presta 1.7 It's simple and better for the customers. Customers are those days lazy :p Will this be coming in the future?
  4. Great. Thx for your response. It's already damn fast under 1 sec loading on cloudways.
  5. Prestashop is going downhill and no response on issues . I have waiting for this. I have a company Webshoptime and already more than 200+ customers with a prestashop 1.6.x. But now we have big problems to migrate towards Presta 1.7 And by testing presta 1.7 many problems, so that's not a go. I'm looking for alternatives. I like the concept in Presta. easy to install add-ons, themes.... Not like Magento. So i will help this project. I will make a template.
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