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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Hi, I am trying to integrate the opt-in Survey for google customer reviews (https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/7106244?hl=en-gb&ref_topic=7105160), but having a bit of an issue trying to work out the Variables: "merchant_id": "MERCHANT_ID", "order_id": "ORDER_ID", "email": "CUSTOMER_EMAIL", "delivery_country": "COUNTRY_CODE", "estimated_delivery_date": "YYYY-MM-DD", // OPTIONAL "products":[{"gtin":"GTIN1"}, {"gtin":"GTIN2">}], "opt_in_style": "OPT_IN_STYLE" The example given is: "merchant_id": 42, "order_id": "<?php echo $order_id ?>", "email": "<?php echo $email_address ?>", "delivery_country": "<?php echo $user_country ?>", "estimated_delivery_date": "<?php echo $delivery_date ?>", "products": [{"gtin":"<?php echo $gtin_1 ?>"}, {"gtin":"<?php echo $gtin_2 ?>"}], "opt_in_style": "BOTTOM_LEFT_DIALOG" Could anyone offer any assistance? Regards, Alan
  2. This was exactly the problem, awaiting cheque payment was an extra line at the start of table <prefix>_configuration. So I just amended all the values by 1 to ensure they matched table <prefix>_order_state_lang. Thanks for the quick response!
  3. Hi, I have an issue with the paypal module (5.4.5) where the order status is set to Awaiting cheque payment instead of payment accepted. The payment has succesfully gone through on paypal. I am also using the Stripe module with no issues. I have looked through the module and also the database but couldn't see anything that stood out. Could anyone offer some advice?
  4. And when those 2 categories are created, when I try to add Category Cover Image to an existing category or create a new category, it displays the following error:
  5. Sorry, yes. When debug mode is off and those extra categories aren't added i get the attached error.
  6. When I go to add a new category I receive the following error: Notice on line 638 in file /home/artworld/trial.artworldonline.co.uk/controllers/admin/AdminCategoriesController.php[8] Undefined index: categoryNotice on line 647 in file /home/artworld/trial.artworldonline.co.uk/controllers/admin/AdminCategoriesController.php[8] Undefined index: medium I have installed panda theme for thirty bees. If I create, within preferences > images - category_default and medium_default then i don't get the error. This may be because I have copied my database over from prestashop website without panda theme. Does anyone have any advice?
  7. We use Linnworks at the moment. It's possible but Linnworks wont do it for you. We have our current Prestashop all integrated with Linnworks which is something they did for us at the time but they won't do it now we would need to talk to a third party developer I guess....so all good if you know what you're doing.
  8. Does anyone know of any multi-channel stock management companies like Linnworks that would work with Thirty Bees? Companies seem to be aware of Prestashop but no one is aware of Thirty Bees? Thank you in advance
  9. Hi, I currently have a webstore using Prestashop 1.6 and am looking to migrate over to thirty bees. However, we use Linnworks as our order management software that will sync stock levels automatically between our prestashop website, Amazon and ebay. The software is also useful for centralising all our orders to pick, pack and ship. With the recent price increase of Linnworks we were looking to switch to Selro, but they say they do not integrate with thirty bees. Does anyone have an alternative to Linnworks that would be compatible with thirty bees, or is there an alternative option other than using a system like Linnworks/Selro?
  10. I have been following this youtube video to upgrade my shop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LN7KD9W_MY4&t=901s But when finished, although my frontoffice and backoffice do load of my test page. When trying to open module or performance page I get a 500 Server Error page. Could anyone advise?
  11. Hi, tried to see your post but it says 'The page you requested does not exist'
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