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Everything posted by hilari
Their are looking into it as we speak. I will mention this link. See what they have to say. Thank You !
Well no. Talked to my hosting support. They use exclusively Ginx.
Holy smokes ! Thanx !
After three weeks of frustrating attempts to upload my inventory images and seeked support help and advice wherever I could. Images still do not upload in my thirty bees platform. Something I could have done earlier has been to follow the same steps on another domain(same host), downloaded a fresh prestashop template and uploaded the very same csv, with the very same steps and the very same settings. IN no time all my images were showing. Back to thirty bees I do a reset and re-install the platform. Everything is green and blue: Successful csv import and successful generation of thumbnails. Not an error. Still...Images do not show. I have created a "home made, out of the box" script to, at least insert some of the main image formats into the folders, so I can keep on working on the design without seeing the empty frames. I wish there was more support on this platform of thirty bees. I guess it is the risk taken by not going for something more popular. Still, I am hopeful. If the problem persists and I do not get any support I will end up finishing the script to create manually all the different formats and sizes for my products. Still hopeful someone will give me solutions and not just diagnostics. Regards.
If I ftp all my images again to img folder, where Thirty bees finds and makes directories, again. Will that fix the problem?
Let´s see if I understand the way Thirty bees handles the images uploaded by ftp. I have a bunch of 1200 images SEO named already strtolower and dash replaces.jpg which worked in my former page which I humbly coded and which showed on thirty bees the first time I uploaded them. The csv path leads to the path which, naturally is not there, ex. https://terresebrekm0.com/img/p/9/4/94-small_default.jpg?time=1563174516522 because I though (maybe wrongly) that thirty bees Takes the image connected to the Id and creates all the folders to different sizes and formats of the image in question. At least, That is what I thought when I first uploaded all my SEO named jpgs and all of them found a home. Twice. Now they don´t . I guess what the program does is to assign its own IDs and mkdir for all the uploaded images in the appropiate formats, as it did the first time. I see that the img folder is outside the themes so any theme can find the same images. What do you suggest I do so my images can be found and Id after thirty bees logic? I know it is problematic. So, what is the solution? Thanks.
quote from previous post: This is a non working ugly unfriendly url of one of my uploaded products: https://terresebrekm0.com/index.php?id_product=4919&controller=product&id_lang=3 And this is one of the demo products which have no problem showing https://terresebrekm0.com/index.php?id_product=7&controller=product&id_lang=3 The images of my products are in the same img folder as the demo ones.
https://terresebrekm0.com/admin463mqe6bu hilarisanabria@yahoo.no 46522334g@267dwiBB In case anybody wants to have a closer look. The images are in the same folder as the demo ones showing. and the thumbnail re-indexing tells me I succeed. Obviously I don´t...
Sorry, It has been more than a week without the images, I had to put it in Maintenance mode. here it is .https://terresebrekm0.com/en/cafe-y-sucedaneos-del-cafe
Hi. This is a non working ugly unfriendly url of one of my uploaded products: https://terresebrekm0.com/index.php?id_product=4919&controller=product&id_lang=3 And this is one of the demo products which have no problem showing https://terresebrekm0.com/index.php?id_product=7&controller=product&id_lang=3 The images were uploaded to the same directory as they did show in the first place. Still images not showing after all. And I have followed the steps a few times now...
I ftpeed my images to the same folder as they worked the first time , which is public.html/img/items/xxx.jpg The reason I added my own inventory images in an extra folder is to try not to mess up the ones coming from the themes. And it worked with default_theme and it worked with Panda the first time.
The above link as an example of a product with broken link. Also the Panda theme activated does not give me the usual image of the layout preview. Just to pint out that I downloaded the Fifth theme for my project.
...and this is the urel Panda is looking for: https://terresebrekm0.com/2392-home_default/zumo-multifrutas-sun-1-l-hollinger.jpg
Images Preferences Images Add new image type Help IMAGES 22 Hi, Thank you for replying. Here is the screenshot of preferences>images...: ID Name Width Height Products Categories Manufacturers Suppliers Stores -- - Yes No - Yes No - Yes No - Yes No - Yes No Search 4 home_default_smallest 211 px 211 px Edit 5 home_default_smaller 218 px 218 px Edit 70 cart_default 45 px 51 px Edit 71 small_default 70 px 80 px Edit 72 medium_default 120 px 138 px Edit 73 home_default 273 px 312 px Edit 74 large_default 368 px 420 px Edit 75 thickbox_default 700 px 800 px Edit 76 category_default 870 px 218 px Edit 77 scene_default 870 px 270 px Edit 78 m_scene_default 161 px 58 px Edit 79 small_default_2x 90 px 102 px
I don´t know what exactly happened here.But right now my megamenu I was working with dissappeared, the images are still out of view and the languages /en/es/de give me the big 404 .The Panda theme shows a test jpeg I was using for measuring pixels. I generated the htaccess and disabled the friendly urls. I am not acquainted with this ui and am trying to get up to date as fast as possible, but that was a real set back. Where to go from here?
404 THIS PAGE IS NOT AVAILABLE We're sorry, but the Web address you've entered is no longer available. To find a product, please type its name in the field below. Search our product catalog:
As for now, after generating the htacces at SEO&URLS has knocked down the page and I no longer have access to what I was working with. Is that normal?
Ok, Found it. Not the pretty URLs, are they the friendly ones? off?
This is new to me. Still getting acquainted with the ui. Where do I find them?
Done it all day long. It has become a hobby. Preferences>> Images - regenerate. Succesfull image re- generation over and over again. Still no images to be seen in so format.
Oh but I did, Flushed the cache, re-indexed and everything I found on the topic. I also re-indexed them on presstools, to see if that helped. The thing is that prior to installing Panda everything was fine. If I could download a csv with all my 1200+ products I could try to re do it again, but press tools only allows me a 100 and I fail to find how to increase the number of entries.
I had them csv . 1200+ of them. Everything went fine, and with the help of prestools the products were re-categorized when needed. Then decided to install Panda for thirty bees and they stopped showing. I re-indexed,from both Presstools and TB. Still not showing. The path seems right as all csv img URL point properly: t.ex https://terresebrekm0.com/img/items/aceite-de-oliva-extra-750-ml-oro.jpg I am pretty new with that way to handle images and a bit confused. Could anyone point me in the right path to bring back the images? The paths to my images is simply Public.html/img/items. Thank you in advance...
Believing in the flexibility of Panda I went for it. The Owl slider/ blog "combo" has different settings : slide on the left and blog on the right is my favourite for my project. I have tried to modify the blog column into two, in order to display a "two by two" blog block as by default it only allows one column. I have managed to reproduce it in the chrome inspector and it works: <div id="owl_carousel_container_2" class="owl_carousel_container full_container hidden-xs block"> <div id="st_owl_carousel_2" class="owl_carousel_wrap st_owl_carousel_2 owl_images_slider hidden-xs "> <!-- MODULE stowlcarousel --> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-10 col-sm-6 st_owl_slideshow"> <div id="st_owl_carousel-2" class=" owl-carousel owl-theme owl-navigation-lr owl-navigation-circle " style="display: block; opacity: 1;"> <div class="owl-wrapper-outer"><div class="owl-wrapper owl-origin" style="display: block; width: 3330px; left: 0px; transition: all 0ms ease 0s; transform: translate3d(-555px, 0px, 0px); transform-origin: 832.5px center; perspective-origin: 832.5px center;"><div class="owl-item owl-fade-out" style="width: 555px; position: relative; left: 555px;"><div id="st_owl_carousel_block_3" class="st_owl_carousel_block_3 st_owl_carousel_block"> <picture> <!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none;"><![endif]--> <!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--> <img class="st_owl_carousel_image" src="https://terresebrekm0.com/upload/stowlcarousel/owlslider01.jpg" alt="" width="779" height="466"> </picture> <div class="st_owl_carousel_text text_table_wrap "> <div class="text_table"> <div class="text_td style_content text-left banner_text_center clearfix"> <h4 class="closer uppercase" style="font-family:Lato;">TEST</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div></div><div class="owl-item owl-fade-in" style="width: 555px;"><div id="st_owl_carousel_block_4" class="st_owl_carousel_block_4 st_owl_carousel_block"> <picture> <!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none;"><![endif]--> <!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--> <img class="st_owl_carousel_image" src="https://terresebrekm0.com/upload/stowlcarousel/slide2-1.jpg" alt="Owl_slider" width="2560" height="1300"> </picture> <div class="st_owl_carousel_text text_table_wrap "> <div class="text_table"> <div class="text_td style_content text-left banner_text_center clearfix"> <h4 class="closer uppercase" style="font-family:Lato;">BUY MORE, SAVE MORE</h4> <p>Pick up two of must-have maternity tops and enjoy 20% off</p> <div><a class="btn btn-default last" title="See more" href="#">SEE MORE</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div><div class="owl-item" style="width: 555px;"><div id="st_owl_carousel_block_1" class="st_owl_carousel_block_1 st_owl_carousel_block"> <picture> <!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none;"><![endif]--> <!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--> <img class="st_owl_carousel_image" src="https://terresebrekm0.com/upload/stowlcarousel/cestas-promocion-banner.png" alt="" width="975" height="922"> </picture> <div class="st_owl_carousel_text text_table_wrap "> <div class="text_table"> <div class="text_td style_content text-center banner_text_center clearfix"> <h2>Testing Big Heading 1</h2> <h5>Small Heading 1</h5> </div> </div> </div> </div></div></div></div> <div class="owl-controls clickable"><div class="owl-pagination"><div class="owl-page"><span class=""></span></div><div class="owl-page active"><span class=""></span></div><div class="owl-page"><span class=""></span></div></div><div class="owl-buttons"><div class="owl-prev"><i class="icon-left-open-3"></i></div><div class="owl-next"><i class="icon-right-open-3"></i></div></div></div></div> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ jQuery(function($){ $("#st_owl_carousel-2").owlCarousel({ autoPlay : 7000, navigation: true, pagination: true, paginationSpeed : 1000, goToFirstSpeed : 2000, rewindNav: true, singleItem : true, autoHeight : false, slideSpeed: 400, stopOnHover: true, mouseDrag: true, transitionStyle: "fade" }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="col-xs-4 col-sm-3 st_owl_banners"> <div class="owl-carousel-banner carousel_banner_nbr_3 clearfix"> <div id="st_owl_carousel_block_16" class="st_owl_carousel_block_16 st_owl_carousel_block"> <picture> <!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none;"><![endif]--> <!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--> <img class="st_owl_carousel_image" src="https://terresebrekm0.com/upload/stowlcarousel/374slide.jpg" alt="" width="210" height="430"> </picture> </div> <div id="st_owl_carousel_block_18" class="st_owl_carousel_block_18 st_owl_carousel_block"> <picture> <!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none;"><![endif]--> <!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--> <img class="st_owl_carousel_image" src="" alt="recetas" width="207" height="200"> </picture> </div> </div> </div><div class="col-xs-4 col-sm-3 st_owl_banners"> <div class="owl-carousel-banner carousel_banner_nbr_3 clearfix"> <div id="st_owl_carousel_block_16" class="st_owl_carousel_block_16 st_owl_carousel_block"> <picture> <!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none;"><![endif]--> <!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--> <img class="st_owl_carousel_image" src="" alt="" width="210" height="430"> </picture> </div> <div id="st_owl_carousel_block_17" class="st_owl_carousel_block_17 st_owl_carousel_block"> <picture> <!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none;"><![endif]--> <!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--> <img class="st_owl_carousel_image" src="https://terresebrekm0.com/upload/stowlcarousel/consulta-nutricion-fontdevida-banner.jpg" alt="" width="207" height="200"> </picture> </div> <div id="st_owl_carousel_block_18" class="st_owl_carousel_block_18 st_owl_carousel_block"> <picture> <!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none;"><![endif]--> <!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--> <img class="st_owl_carousel_image" src="https://terresebrekm0.com/upload/stowlcarousel/recetas-saludables-fontdevida-banner.jpg" alt="recetas" width="207" height="200"> </picture> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--/ MODULE stowlcarousel --> </div> </div> But when looking for the html where to pply the changes I fail to find it. Could anyone point me into the right diretion on where to find the html file where to customize it?...Unless I am missing on how to do it on Panda module editor... Thanks in advance for any help!