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  1. At first, thanks for your reply, I've found another solution and now i use features. For Tags I've found another logic to develop the solution When deleteTags is called create as, $tagremoved and a $tagcategory_removed push in an array as param to addTags() which call the constructor with an array as param for $name then call __construct::ObjectModel This is what i imagined to keep all the maximum native code. but iswitch for features But i don't understand the logic to deleted and recreated. the reason why. I see in adminProductController, that i would have to force the association of tag to product in product_tag BEFORE but something get me wrong.
  2. Hello, Each time a product is edited and saved, Tags ID are changing. It make non sense to me as i need to add a field/property ('category') to the Tag Object When my field is added and his value is modified for example : Tag->name = 'economy' Tag->category = 'Article' When i edit my product Tag->category is lost. When go to catalog>Tags econmy'id value is no more '1' but Two. I see in adminProductController that Tags are deleted then reassign. So all previous modification to Object tag are lost and the ID has been incremented. The Method addTags never recognize isobectloaded. Is it normal ? why ?
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