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  1. Je gebruikt volgens mij het warehouse theme. Er moet een klein stukje code worden vervangen. in /themes/warehouse/order-carrier.tpl rond regel 82 moet dit de if-statement worden: {if $option.unique_carrier} {foreach $option.carrier_list as $carrier} <strong>{$carrier.instance->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</strong> {if isset($carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang])} <br />{l s='Delivery time:'}&nbsp;{$carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang]|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} {/if} {/foreach} {/if} Ik heb het gisteren zelf gedaan, en bij mij werkt alles weer 🙂
  2. Tried again after a long time, found out i got a connection refused form the API. Contacted the host, and found out they blocked api.thirtybees.com Now its open again, all is fine...
  3. Tried to check the overrides, nothing special there, 3 in total, all active modules. I don't see the connection to the error that the CompareVersion is missing, or is that variable set after the module checks are completed?
  4. Agreed, but I did not find any documentation or how-to anymore... From Presta I remember it was just to copy all new files but the config.inc.php
  5. not sure if i can give BO access... cleaning up the _modules table didn't help sofar..
  6. Unfortunately, the error appears before the compare completes, so I am pretty much in the dark...I can check the _module table though, see if I can find some orphans there.
  7. Hi, I am doing the upgrade on PHP 7.0, so i guess that is not an issue. Improperly uninstalled modules could be the case, but I wonder how I can find what module would cause the trouble, and how it can be corrected. And thanks for the help sofar 😉
  8. wow... thanks for the help everyone!
  9. When I try to upgrade my 1.0.8 version to 1.1.0, the compare fails. The console tells me this http://myurl/myadmin/index.php?controller=AdminCoreUpdater&token=mytoken&action=processCompare&ajax=1 Request to failed with status 'rejected'. if i click on the link, it says compareVersion is missing as input (but it is selected) Any ideas??
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