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Posts posted by PeterPan

  1. Hello out there,


    does anyone know, how to execute an mass update with datakick manager but only for specific products?


    I want to change for a lot of products the long description. I only know the option to perform the mass update for all products.

    What I want is, for example for alle products with "Test" in its product name...


    Is there any possibility?


    Thanks in advance 🙂




  2. On 4/13/2020 at 3:23 PM, Rhapsody said:

    I believe you can create an override as override/classes/order/Order.php and change the increment value from 1 to 2

    This code hasn't been verified but should be close to what you need.

    Edit: I verified this on a test shop and it works.

    * Override Created from Thirty Bees Order.php to increment invoice numbers by 2
    ****** */
    class Order extends OrderCore
         * @param int $orderInvoiceId
         * @param int $idShop
         * @return bool
         * @throws PrestaShopException
        public static function setLastInvoiceNumber($orderInvoiceId, $idShop)
            if (!$orderInvoiceId) {
                return false;
            $number = Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE_START_NUMBER', null, null, $idShop);
            // If invoice start number has been set, you clean the value of this configuration
            if ($number) {
                Configuration::updateValue('PS_INVOICE_START_NUMBER', false, false, null, $idShop);
            $sql = 'UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_invoice` SET number =';
            if ($number) {
                $sql .= (int) $number;
            } else {
                // Find the next number (***line below was + 1 changed to + 2 to increment by 2****)
                $newNumberSql = 'SELECT (MAX(`number`) + 2) AS new_number
                    FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_invoice`'.(Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE_RESET') ?
                    ' WHERE DATE_FORMAT(`date_add`, "%Y") = '.(int) date('Y') : '');
                $newNumber = DB::getInstance()->getValue($newNumberSql);
                $sql .= (int) $newNumber;
            $sql .= ' WHERE `id_order_invoice` = '.(int) $orderInvoiceId;
            return Db::getInstance()->execute($sql);




    So I create a file named order.php put your code into this file and copied the file in folder ...override/classes/order/

    doesn´t work. any idea?

  3. In the mentioned case, the following turned out: As soon as the module is installed, the translation is also there. It was installed in the test store and was therefore automatically translated. It was not installed in the live store. After the installation in the live store, the translation came immediately.

    But now I made another interesting discovery. The module "Block-contact" was installed in the test store (complete new tb installation) with version 2.0.2 and translated from the beginning in German. An update was available, after update it is again in English, just like in the live store (both have now Version 2.0.3).

    I do not know if this should be so or not, in any case my original statement/question is no longer correct


  4. 2 hours ago, Kynes said:

    I think the solution is to change the language in the employee profile, in administration -> employees. To do this you have to have the language installed in the shop.

    If you already have the correct language installed in the shop, you must update the translation of the corresponding fields in the translation interface.


    the employee profile does have the right language.

    Where can I update the translation of the corresponding fields?

    I did it like this but didn´t help:


  5. I set up a teststore. There I see some modules are translated (in my case in the german language).

    I tried to update translations in my live store, but it doesn´t work. Does anybody know, how to implement this obviously existing translations?

    image.png.3a4328495779b85713caaa01243f1bfe.pngthis is how it looks in the live store

    image.png.9418bc25a7ee083c7b0d3c3918c133d5.png this is in the test store

  6. "There is an enhancement request that would allow merchants to decide which orders should be part of the statistics (based on invoice date or on order date), but this is not yet implemented" maybe this is interesting here too

  7. where can I do the translation for the german language? Not in my shop but for thirtybees in general? there are still some missing translations and I want to help here

  8. Hello all together,

    is there a way to export a list that outputs all ordered products and their quantity over a selected period of time?



    I do also have the datakick datamanager but couldn´t find out how to do this

  9. after updating to bleeding edge, this is all what you see in frontend


    after disabling all non thirty bees modules it looks first good, but when clicking on a product the product page looks like the following, still broken


    then i deactivated all overrides, now it works, but when I choose now a category, it is still broken


    maybe there is any idea?

  10. Quote


    Problem was caused by overrides from modules that were no longer installed on my system:


    Especially overrides from packageweight module caused a lot of problems, because it redefined object model definition. Core updater used this (invalid) object model definition and migrated database table to wrong / unexpected state. 

    Since I no longer use this module, the overrides needed to be deleted manually, and the database table to be regenerated. 
    Thanks for the help



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