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Everything posted by inforadpl

  1. I have community-theme-default version 1.1.0 Designed by Gytis Škema & Krystian Podemski After installing the OPC basket 1.6 it does not work. debug mode shows something like this. Any way to do that? ThirtyBeesException Cannot use object of type Carrier as array when rendering smarty template themes/community-theme-default/order-opc.tpl Source file: themes/community-theme-default/order-opc.tpl 1:{* 2:* 2007-2014 PrestaShop 3:* 4:* NOTICE OF LICENSE 5:* 6:* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) 7:* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. 8:* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: 9:* http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php 10:* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to 11:* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email 12:* to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately. 13:* 14:* DISCLAIMER 15:* 16:* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer 17:* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your 18:* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information. 19:* 20:* @author PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com> 21:* @copyright 2007-2014 PrestaShop SA 22:* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) 23:* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA 24:*} 25: 26:{if $opc} 27: {assign var="back_order_page" value="order-opc.php"} 28: {else} 29: {assign var="back_order_page" value="order.php"} 30:{/if} 31: 32:{if $PS_CATALOG_MODE} 33: {capture name=path}{l s='Your shopping cart'}{/capture} 34: <h2 id="cart_title">{l s='Your shopping cart'}</h2> 35: <p class="alert alert-warning">{l s='Your new order was not accepted.'}</p> 36:{else} 37: {if $productNumber} 38: <!-- Shopping Cart --> 39: 40: {include file="$tpl_dir./shopping-cart.tpl"} 41: 42: <div class="row"> 43: <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6"> 44: 45: <!-- End Shopping Cart --> 46: {if $is_logged AND !$is_guest} 47: {include file="$tpl_dir./order-address.tpl"} 48: {else} 49: <!-- Create account / Guest account / Login block --> 50: {include file="$tpl_dir./order-opc-new-account.tpl"} 51: <!-- END Create account / Guest account / Login block --> 52: {/if} 53: <!-- Carrier --> 54: 55: <p class="carrier_title">{if $lang_iso=="pl"}{l s='Zostaw wiadomość'}{else}{l s='Leave a message'}{/if}</p> 56: <div> 57: 58: <textarea class="form-control" cols="120" rows="2" name="message" id="message" placeholder="{if $lang_iso=="pl"}{l s='Jeżeli chcesz dodać komentarz do swojego zamówienia, wpisz go poniżej.'}{else}{l s='If you would like to add a comment about your order, please write it in the field below.'}{/if}">{strip} 59: {if isset($oldMessage)}{$oldMessage|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if} 60: {/strip}</textarea> 61: </div> 62: </div> 63: 64: 65: <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6"> 66: {include file="$tpl_dir./order-carrier.tpl"} 67: {if isset($CARRIER_LIST_PAKO)} 68: {$CARRIER_LIST_PAKO} 69: {/if} 70: <!-- END Carrier --> 71: 72: <!-- Payment --> 73: {include file="$tpl_dir./order-payment.tpl"} 74: <!-- END Payment --> 75: 76: {if $conditions AND $cms_id} 77: <p class="carrier_title">{if $lang_iso=="pl"}{l s='Warunki korzystania z usług.'}{else}{l s='Terms of Service.'}{/if}</p> 78: <div class="alert alert-danger" id="errorCGV" style="display: none">{if $lang_iso=="pl"}{l s='Musisz zaakceptować regulamin'}{else}{l s='You must accept the terms and conditions'}{/if}</div> 79: <p class="checkbox"> 80: <input type="checkbox" name="cgv" id="cgv" value="1" {if $checkedTOS}checked="checked"{/if} /> 81: <label for="cgv">{if $lang_iso=="pl"}{l s='Zgadzam się z Warunkami Świadczenia Usługi i podporządkuję się im bezwarunkowo.'}{else}{l s='I agree to the terms of service and will adhere to them unconditionally.'}{/if}</label> 82: <a href="{$link_conditions|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" class="iframe" rel="nofollow">{if $lang_iso=="pl"}{l s='(przeczytaj)'}{else}{l s='(Read the Terms of Service)'}{/if}</a><span class="validation-state"></span> 83: </p> 84: 85: {/if} 86: 87: <div style="margin: 0 0 20px 0; text-align: center; width: 100%;"> 88: <a id="submitOrder" class="btn btn-default button button-medium"><span>{if $lang_iso=="pl"}{l s='Potwierdź zakup'}{else}{l s='Orders'}{/if}</span></a> 89: </div> 90: </div> 91: </div> 92: 93: 94: {else} 95: {capture name=path}{l s='Your shopping cart'}{/capture} 96: <h2 class="page-heading">{l s='Your shopping cart'}</h2> 97: {include file="$tpl_dir./errors.tpl"} 98: <p class="alert alert-warning">{l s='Your shopping cart is empty.'}</p> 99: {/if} 100:{strip} 101:{addJsDef imgDir=$img_dir} 102:{addJsDef authenticationUrl=$link->getPageLink("authentication", true)|addslashes} 103:{addJsDef orderOpcUrl=$link->getPageLink("order-opc", true)|addslashes} 104:{addJsDef historyUrl=$link->getPageLink("history", true)|addslashes} 105:{addJsDef guestTrackingUrl=$link->getPageLink("guest-tracking", true)|addslashes} 106:{addJsDef addressUrl=$link->getPageLink("address", true, NULL, "back={$back_order_page}")|addslashes} 107:{addJsDef orderProcess='order-opc'} 108:{addJsDef guestCheckoutEnabled=$PS_GUEST_CHECKOUT_ENABLED|intval} 109:{addJsDef currencySign=$currencySign|html_entity_decode:2:"UTF-8"} 110:{addJsDef currencyRate=$currencyRate|floatval} 111:{addJsDef currencyFormat=$currencyFormat|intval} 112:{addJsDef currencyBlank=$currencyBlank|intval} 113:{addJsDef displayPrice=$priceDisplay} 114:{addJsDef taxEnabled=$use_taxes} 115:{addJsDef conditionEnabled=$conditions|intval} 116:{addJsDef vat_management=$vat_management|intval} 117:{addJsDef errorCarrier=$errorCarrier|@addcslashes:'\''} 118:{addJsDef errorTOS=$errorTOS|@addcslashes:'\''} 119:{addJsDef checkedCarrier=$checked|intval} 120:{addJsDef addresses=array()} 121:{addJsDef isVirtualCart=$isVirtualCart|intval} 122:{addJsDef isPaymentStep=$isPaymentStep|intval} 123:{addJsDefL name=txtWithTax}{l s='(tax incl.)' js=1}{/addJsDefL} 124:{addJsDefL name=txtWithoutTax}{l s='(tax excl.)' js=1}{/addJsDefL} 125:{addJsDefL name=txtHasBeenSelected}{l s='has been selected' js=1}{/addJsDefL} 126:{addJsDefL name=txtNoCarrierIsSelected}{l s='No carrier has been selected' js=1}{/addJsDefL} 127:{addJsDefL name=txtNoCarrierIsNeeded}{l s='No carrier is needed for this order' js=1}{/addJsDefL} 128:{addJsDefL name=txtConditionsIsNotNeeded}{l s='You do not need to accept the Terms of Service for this order.' js=1}{/addJsDefL} 129:{addJsDefL name=txtTOSIsAccepted}{l s='The service terms have been accepted' js=1}{/addJsDefL} 130:{addJsDefL name=txtTOSIsNotAccepted}{l s='The service terms have not been accepted' js=1}{/addJsDefL} 131:{addJsDefL name=txtThereis}{l s='There is' js=1}{/addJsDefL} 132:{addJsDefL name=txtErrors}{l s='Error(s)' js=1}{/addJsDefL} 133:{addJsDefL name=txtDeliveryAddress}{l s='Delivery address' js=1}{/addJsDefL} 134:{addJsDefL name=txtInvoiceAddress}{l s='Invoice address' js=1}{/addJsDefL} 135:{addJsDefL name=txtModifyMyAddress}{l s='Modify my address' js=1}{/addJsDefL} 136:{addJsDefL name=txtInstantCheckout}{l s='Instant checkout' js=1}{/addJsDefL} 137:{addJsDefL name=txtSelectAnAddressFirst}{l s='Please start by selecting an address.' js=1}{/addJsDefL} 138:{addJsDefL name=txtFree}{l s='Free' js=1}{/addJsDefL} 139: 140:{capture}{if $back}&mod={$back|urlencode}{/if}{/capture} 141:{capture name=addressUrl}{$link->getPageLink('address', true, NULL, 'back='|cat:$back_order_page|cat:'?step=1'|cat:$smarty.capture.default)|addslashes}{/capture} 142:{addJsDef addressUrl=$smarty.capture.addressUrl} 143:{capture}{'&multi-shipping=1'|urlencode}{/capture} 144:{addJsDef addressMultishippingUrl=$smarty.capture.addressUrl|cat:$smarty.capture.default} 145:{capture name=addressUrlAdd}{$smarty.capture.addressUrl|cat:'&id_address='}{/capture} 146:{addJsDef addressUrlAdd=$smarty.capture.addressUrlAdd} 147:{addJsDef opc=$opc|boolval} 148:{capture}<h3 class="page-subheading">{l s='Your billing address' js=1}</h3>{/capture} 149:{addJsDefL name=titleInvoice}{$smarty.capture.default|@addcslashes:'\''}{/addJsDefL} 150:{capture}<h3 class="page-subheading">{l s='Your delivery address' js=1}</h3>{/capture} 151:{addJsDefL name=titleDelivery}{$smarty.capture.default|@addcslashes:'\''}{/addJsDefL} 152:{capture}<a class="button button-small btn btn-default" href="{$smarty.capture.addressUrlAdd}" title="{l s='Update' js=1}"><span>{l s='Update' js=1}<i class="icon-chevron-right right"></i></span></a>{/capture} 153:{addJsDefL name=liUpdate}{$smarty.capture.default|@addcslashes:'\''}{/addJsDefL} 154:{/strip} 155:{/if} 156:<div class="order-opc-overlay"></div> Stack trace
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