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  1. Well, both, kind of. With the TB Module i get no order confirmation page where you see the order overview and can make the final click. With the PS Module im still using, i cant upgrade to the newest version because it stops working, so i keep an old one, which can be disadvantage in security etc of course.
  2. I would like to know too, was looking forward to it! Dont wanna go the way back to PS, but there are too many problems with Paypal Module etc
  3. well i prefer to have a clean start, thats why i ordered a new machine, got rid of Plesk and configured all by myself. last time i tried your recommendation with the thirtybees migrator on the original shop(that was my first try), it destroyed the shop completly and i needed to restore a backup (and it would include copying the database too - to the new system, which runs against my will to make a clean start). i just dont want to create a whole new theme or start modyfying the existent one (lot of work), i would prefer making warehouse work. my next step for finding a solution was creating a new theme in the backoffice called warehouse, setting it the same basic setup like on my old prestashop, and then copy the content from the old warehouse theme folder there. when i try to select the theme, which even shows the correct thumbnail: Error: Attempt to install theme warehouse despite its invalid config.xml. How i find out what exactly is invalid in the config.xml? its warehouse 3.5 btw
  4. sorry for the delay. well, i think its clear what exactly failed, the installer with error messages - it has no write access to all the subdirectories in the webroot (itself). it was 2 parts, first PHP wise, then for the user "Apache". Why user "Apache"??? upper case usernames, specially at the beginning can cause troubles (on unix/linux) from what i read. that's why i was even more confused. even changing the field from "Apache" to "http" (which is the user owning the directories and nginx/php-fpm processes) in the install check didnt solve it. I was at least able to get rid of the error messages regarding PHP permissions, it seems the user the php-fpm process LISTENS on needed to be changed too, and fit. not only the the user the process is running with. well, i setup a new FreeBSD machine and compiled everything from ports, including thirtybees, now i have a working install, even migration from the old shop turned out to work quite well. so the problem is obsolete now. but i ran into another problem - maybe you can have a look, any help appreciated: problems-migrating-warehouse-theme-from-prestashop-16-to-thirtybees thread closed.
  5. Hello, i have a new Thirtybees install running (1.1.0) - up to date - and im wondering how to migrate our old theme to the new shop, migrations worked well so far with MigrationPro. Since the developer originally building our shop vanished in nowhere, im wondering how i can use our old theme without having access to updated versions of warehouse theme or the zip file at all. First i tried to just copy the warehouse folder into new Thirtybees install theme folder, and set permissions. It doesnt shows up in the backoffice as avaible theme. What lays in the warehouse theme folder is a warehouse.tar (im not even sure if i created that archive at some point) - which holds the subdirectory warehouse, i created a zip out of the uncompressed tar, which is basicly the same, to upload it in the theme manager, but i get error 500 right now, which i will look after later. My basic question is, what i have to do when i just use the copy folder way, do i have to add it additionally in some file, like theme index or something, or why it isnt showing up this way?
  6. Hello, after some struggling with nginx and php-fpm config, i finally made the installation work. Neitherless it fails because of write permissions for EVERY directory. The user nginx and php-fpm are running on is "http", which i set with "chown -R http:http /usr/share/nginx/html/thirtybees", and even "chmod -R 777 /usr/share/nginx/html/thirtybees" didnt do the trick. I'm a bit out of ideas here.
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