I have been trying to learn how to change my category product grid to 4 columns instead of the default 3 columns.
I found this code in product-list.tpl:
{if $page_name == 'index' || $page_name == 'product'}
{$product_block_size_class = 'col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3'}
{$product_block_size_class = 'col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4'}
I just changed the col-md-4 class to col-md-3 and cleared my cache. It seems to be working perfectly.
Is this really all there is to it on Thirty Bees?
The reason I ask is because I was reading PS forums for a solution and in PS you need to modify javascript in a few different places to make the change. Things like how many products per line, list vs grid view classes, etc
I could not find the relevant javascript code in TB.