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Mediacom87 last won the day on August 28 2023

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About Mediacom87

  • Birthday 06/04/1975


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  1. 3.1.3 - 11/14/2024 Added compatibility with PrestaShop 9 Scenarios are calculated when the corresponding tab is displayed, to avoid overloading the server Improved module list display
  2. 3.1.3 - 14/11/2024 Compatibilité ajoutée avec PrestaShop 9 Les scénarios sont calculés lorsque l'onglet correspondant est affiché, afin d'éviter de surcharger le serveur. Amélioration de l'affichage de la liste des modules
  3. 3.1.2 - 10/07/2024 Added compatibility with the OpartDevis module to avoid deleting baskets linked to quotes. Fixed a bug in the display of some buttons DataTables library updated to version 2.1.8
  4. 3.1.2 - 07/10/2024 Ajout d'une compatibilité avec le module OpartDevis afin d'éviter la suppression des paniers liés aux devis. Correction d'un bug dans l'affichage de certains boutons Mise à jour de la bibliothèque DataTables vers la version 2.1.8
  5. Hi, Thank you very much, I've just run the tests and it works perfectly.
  6. Thank you for your feedback.
  7. Hi, I still haven't found a solution for properly overriding a module, which is always refused or doesn't work. @datakick
  8. 3.5.5 - 09/18/2024 Improved ALT tag for product form images 3.5.4 - 06/27/2024 Bugfix for mobile browsers Fixed a security method that could block the form New button design 3.5.3 - 06/17/2024 Code optimization to work around certain theme bugs Correction of a display bug in the BO on Firefox Improved display of product name and image for variations 3.5.2 - 02/27/2024 Correction of a typing error in an update file
  9. 3.1.1 - 09/04/2024 Fixed translation bug on tables Fixed processing incompatibility when using pm_advancedsearch4 module DataTables library updated to version 2.1.5
  10. 3.1.1 - 04/09/2024 Correction d'un bug de traduction sur les tableaux Correction d'une incompatibilité de traitement lors de l'utilisation du module pm_advancedsearch4 Mise à jour de la bibliothèque DataTables vers la version 2.1.5
  11. An idea @datakick ?
  12. It's impossible to test below PHP 8.1 because of composition, so we'll have to find a solution to install module overrides.
  13. Hi, I'm having exactly the same problem with a 1.5.1 installation. Have you tested other PHP versions?
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