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  1. Sorry...meant to put this in troubleshooting. Whoever has the capability please feel free to move it.
  2. I've noticed that when I go to the back office to regenerate thumbnails, it does a couple hundred and then pauses for awhile before doing more. It's kind of annoying when you have over 50,000 products in your store. Is this normal behavior or is there some correction I need to make such as increasing max_execution_time? Thanks...
  3. Thank you.
  4. Just out of curiosity, is there a way to configure ThirtyBees to host product images on a different server from that on which the store software is located?
  5. I'm a tad surprised that nobody else appears to have seen this issue...
  6. Trying to do a fresh install on a new server. The Installation Assistant won't continue because of the dreaded allow_url_fopen and PayPal/TLS 1.2 errors. I've managed to get around the PayPal/TLS issue although I am not sure I am doing it in the best or most appropriate manner. The harder part is the issue allow_url_fopen issue. I am 100% positive it is enabled on both the subdomain the store is on AND the main domain. Regardless of what tweak I try, I have thus far been unable to get past this issue. I would greatly appreciate some guidance/assistance. Thanks much.
  7. I've started having an issue I really haven't seen before that I recall. I just attempted to import around 6,000 items. When I selected "Post Changes to Web", it ran for a bit as usual and then at the end I get what I'll call an error window that said in the window that the connection closed but the actual title of the window was something akin to "Post Data Error". Given the text inside the window, I am not entirely clear what it means. Did it work or not? Any guidance would be greatly. I rather suspect my server just can't handle such a large post at once, but I am not really sure. Also, I have made sure that my php.ini contained the entries suggested on the Thirtybees website. Anyone have any ideas here?
  8. Maybe it's a bit of a weird problem, but I had hoped someone had an idea.
  9. I just activated multi-store again and carefully following the gui attempted to add a shop. However, when I clicked save, I got this error: Property Shop->id_theme is empty. This mystifies me as I had a theme selected. Any suggestions?
  10. I have gotten partly past this issue by using Store Manager's diagnostics to find missing images. Now I've run into the issue that images for a couple hundred products (out of around 43,000) just won't show up. What I find odd is I don't get a broken image link icon. There's just a blank square where the image should be AND when I right click and try to copy the image url or save the image it gives me info for a GIF image. None of the source images are GIFs and I have Preferences--> Images set to use JPEG. I have zero idea where the GIF came from or rather where the DB thinks the image came from since when you try to download them you are told "no file found".
  11. I am having an issue getting all images to show properly in Block Featured Products. I am using Store Manager and have 3 storefronts set up. Regardless of what I do I can't get all the images to show properly in the block. I tried toggling friendly URLs, I've rebuilt the index, and I've switched themes. I have not reuploaded all the images or deleted and regenerated all the thumbnails. With over 43,000 products I rather dread doing that as it would obviously take quite some and I could well run into php timeout issues. Are there any good alternatives besides deleting and regenerating? Any guidance is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance... As a corollary question, is it better to establish one store and do all the uploads before or after enabling multistore? All my stores are using the same theme...
  12. I currently have Block New Products set to display 12 products, but I have more than 12 new products. I would like to know if there is a way to randomly select the 12 products (or at least pseudo-random). I see no space in the configuration for Block New Products that allows for randomization. Thanks in advance.
  13. I appreciate all the input greatly. I've gotten what I need and I really didn't think it was possible in a practical sense but I thought I'd ask in case I was wrong. Yes, I have three storefronts. Two are on one server and the other is on a different. I specifically chose not to try to point all of them to the same database. I wanted at least two databases. I also chose not to have all three on one server. I wanted redundancy. If one web server went down or was unavailable, I needed to make sure I had at least one operational server. Again, thanks for all the help. It is truly appreciated.
  14. In my case I have 2 domains with one hosting provider and 2 with another....thats all I was getting at.
  15. Thanks to the helpful folks here, I now understand and have been able to successfully setup multistore for store URLs on the same web host. The question I have is, is it possible to setup for a store URL hosted on a different web server? I'm sure it's another of my noob questions....thanks in advance.
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