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Everything posted by thebigjohnshow

  1. NEVER MIND!!! WHOOO HOOO! I think I fixed it. It was a setting in the general settings "Allow iframes on HTML fields"! I feel like a moron, but I also feel like I learned something too, so I don't feel as bad! LOL
  2. Traumflug, I don't know why, but I am still having trouble with this. I have tried to use the simple coding for HTML 5 player, SoundCloud embedding, and Script Generator (https://scriptgenerator.net/really-simple-embed-audio-player-script/) to get it to work. I keep getting the same message "Your browser does not support the audio element". I have used two different computers (each with Firefox and Chrome) and Android smartphone (also with Chrome and Mozilla). I've also tried with Microsoft Edge (new version). One a side note, when I tried to use SoundCloud embedding, I keep getting the error code saying "The description field (English (English)) is invalid." To be honest, I'm not sure what that means. Maybe it didn't like some of the code or maybe it was too much? I don't know. I just thought maybe someone would like to know incase it's a bug issue or something. I do appreciate every ones help and hope to get this figured out soon.
  3. Colorful-Ant, I don't see where I could add an audio preview in the button bar. There is one for video and for pictures, but nothing for audio. The other suggestion would let people download the audio for free. Even if I took a 10-15 second audio section and put it in the "Attachments", the person would have to download the audio onto their device. I would prefer a more convenient way of letting play off our website. I may have to wait on this idea until something better comes along. Thank you for your suggestions! Thank you for your time, John
  4. Wakabayashi, I appreciate your reply. I tried your suggestion using the link you provided, but it doesn't work. I've sued both chrome and Firefox. What do you mean by a clean module? I already have the audio uploaded / ready to sell.
  5. I'm a newbie here. I'm excited about learning more about this. Just a question here, but is there a way someone could preview a small snippet of audio (within the coding of the store) before they decide to purchase the digital good? Thank you for your time, John
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