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  1. Hi, When i added a new category in debug mode, thirtybees respons error: Notice w linii 648 w pliku controllers/admin/AdminCategoriesController.php [8] Undefined index: category Notice w linii 657 w pliku controllers/admin/AdminCategoriesController.php [8] Undefined index: medium
  2. {if isset($orderProducts) && is_array($orderProducts) && !empty($orderProducts)} <div class="crossseling-content"> <h3> {l s='Customers who bought this product also bought:' mod='blockcart'} </h3> <div class="row" id="blockcart_list"> {foreach from=$orderProducts item='orderProduct' name=orderProduct} <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-3"> <div class="thumbnail"> <a class="lnk_img" href="{$orderProduct.link|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$orderProduct.name|htmlspecialchars}"> <!-- <img class="img-responsive" src="{$orderProduct.image}" alt="{$orderProduct.name|htmlspecialchars}"> --> {if !empty($lazy_load)} <noscript> <img src="{$link->getImageLink($orderProduct.link_rewrite, $orderProduct.id_image, 'small_default', null, ImageManager::retinaSupport())|escape:'html'}" alt="{$orderProduct.legend|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" width="{getWidthSize|intval type='small_default'}" height="{getHeightSize|intval type='small_default'}" > </noscript> {/if} <picture class="img-responsive{if !empty($lazy_load)} tb-lazy-image{/if}"> <!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none;"><![endif]--> {if !empty($webp)} <source {if !empty($lazy_load)}srcset=" 1w" data-{/if}srcset="{$link->getImageLink($orderProduct.link_rewrite, $orderProduct.id_image, 'small_default', 'webp', ImageManager::retinaSupport())|escape:'html'}" sizes="1px" type="image/webp" > {/if} <!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--> <img {if !empty($lazy_load)}srcset=" 1w" data-{/if}srcset="{$link->getImageLink($orderProduct.link_rewrite, $orderProduct.id_image, 'small_default', null, ImageManager::retinaSupport())|escape:'html'}" {if !empty($lazy_load)}src=""{/if} sizes="1px" alt="{$orderProduct.legend|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" width="{getWidthSize|intval type='small_default'}" height="{getHeightSize|intval type='small_default'}" > </picture> </a> </div> <h4 class="product-name"> <a href="{$orderProduct.link|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$orderProduct.name|htmlspecialchars}"> {$orderProduct.name|truncate:18:'...'|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} </a> </h4> {if $orderProduct.show_price == 1 AND !isset($restricted_country_mode) AND !$PS_CATALOG_MODE} <span class="price_display"> <span class="price"> {convertPrice price=$orderProduct.displayed_price} </span> </span> {/if} </div> {/foreach} </div> </div> {/if} .../themes/community-theme-default/modules/blockcart/crossselling.tpl I have solution for this problem. Thanks for help! 🙂
  3. Hi, I have installed the latest version. Problem witch new products thumbnails is gone. but.. i have problem witch modal box: Recomendations products don't have image thumbnails.. where is problem? Images settings: Deleting generate thumbnails, reset indexation status, regenerate all thumbnails doesn't help 😕 Best regards!
  4. @veganline Hi, My hosting is very good, this isn't problem
  5. Only .webp image not regenerate automatically
  6. Hi, Actually my product after added have a default thumbnail and i must go to admin panel > Photos Regeneration thumbnails. and again.. again.. after added products 🙂 How to automatically regenerate of thumbnails ? Maybe cron? You know? Best regards! 🙂
  7. eh.. omg 🙂 <facepalm> Disable all overrides -> NO and everything works 🙂
  8. Hi, Module # Numeric Order Reference (Changes order reference from string to numeric) not working witch thirty bees, version 1.1.0 If we set this module correctly, the order numbers look like this: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, The default in prestashop is "MOVQKMTGP", "IKPEATVFD" etc ... Where is problem? ...or how can i set up order numbering without this module? best regards! Thank you a lot of gmnumeric_v_1_2_0.zip
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